🍋 Tooth and Nail 🍋

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Avast ye, this here chapter contains badly written sexual content. If you're not comfortable with that, feel free to click away now. If that's what you're here for, then read on, you filthy pervert!

There were signs and posters around your small city, numerous missing posters seemed to be popping up on every available space. There was no pattern as far as the police could tell, genders, age, size, race; there was no connection aside from they all disappeared at night. You didn’t worry too much though, you didn’t stand out, nor were you anything special by any means. You and your friends often joked that should someone try and take you in the night, they’d return you before the sun came up.

How naïve you were.

You were walking home just as the sun dipped below the horizon, the days getting shorter with the changing of the season, but you weren’t scared. You had walked this road countless times on your way home, there were plenty of people around, and it was well lit. Everything seemed to blur from that point. You remember seeing a figure walking on the other side of the street, it wasn’t an imposing figure from what you could tell, and then after that your mind was just blank. The next thing you remember was the sound of hushed voices talking somewhere overhead, while you were freezing on the ground. You recall being able to recognize a few of the faces around you from the posters, and that was when it hit you that you too became a victim. A young woman, about your age, was wailing loudly while some tried to pacify her, keep her quiet. Someone noticed that you had awoken and was now sitting up, looking around frightened and confused. They moved over to you, helping you stand up, but offering no comfort, seemingly having been through this before;  whatever ‘this’ may be.

“What-“ Your voice was hoarse and unfamiliar sounding to your own ears. “Don’t speak. They’re coming.” The older man spoke to you as they held a hand to your mouth, a thick European accent present in their speech. “Keep your head down and do not look them in the eye.” Them, they. Was this kidnapping a group operation? He cast a look of pity over to the sobbing girl before his eyes hardened, his head shook a bit, his inner dialogue unknown to you obviously, but you could imagine that he already knew how the girl’s fate would turn out somehow. The room you were in was freezing, a few torches on the walls allowing enough light to see well enough after your eyes had adjusted to the low lighting, there were blankets scattered here and there on the floor, beds perhaps. Two doors one in the front of the room, and one at the back. The oddest thing you noticed was that there was no windows. Where were you?

The door opened and the man beside you nudged you, his head dropped as you did the same, despite your instincts and curiosity telling you to do the opposite. Defying the man’s words, you took a chance and flicked your eyes up for a second, nearly gasping when you saw how massive your apparent captors were, both height wise and muscle wise. You couldn’t see them well as the three men were backlit by the light in the hall, obscuring most their features. Your heart sped up as you dropped your wide eyes back to the floor, trying to focus on breathing and trying to keep calm. The girl who had been crying began shrieking, pleading for her life as you saw her move out of the corner of your eye, throwing herself dramatically to her knees by the men’s feet. One of the men stepped over her and you blinked. In the fraction of a second your eyes were closed, something happened. The girl stopped, falling limp as a mist of blood sprayed from her neck. Your eyes widened even more, taking a step back out of instinct as your gaze lingered on the girl; you’d never seen a dead body before. A few startled gasps and cries echoed through the room, but other than that, no words were spoken until one of the men by the door spoke.

“So…” He drew out slowly, “These are the new humans.” Humans?  Was he himself not human? Sure, from what you could tell they were muscular, frighteningly so, but what else could they possibly be? The one that had somehow killed the woman stepped into the light, your brows knit with confusion as you glanced at his body, making sure not to look higher than his mid chest area. He was exotic looking, downright tribal, but the part that frightened you the most was the two daggers seemingly embedded into his chest, the blades sticking out diagonally past his collarbones. Maybe he wasn’t human after all, if such a thing didn’t bother him. Another one stepped up from the shadows, this one wearing a headwrap, revealing only his face and a few strands of curly dark colored hair. He seemed to be the least clothed, what stood out the most was his eyes, unnatural red colored eyes that seemed to nearly glow as they slowly scanned the group. You quickly dropped your eyes to the floor, having caught yourself looking at their faces.

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