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Thank you for checking out my work! I've been writing and telling stories ever since I was little, but this is the first story I've finished and feel confident enough to put out into the world! 

Though I have been on Wattpad before, this is the first time I've ever written something for this platform. I appreciate any and all forms of suggestions on how to make my writing better, and though I'd appreciate constructive criticism I also believe that people have a right to state their own opinion however they like. That being said, there's also a difference between trying to help someone and trying to put them down. Any comments that are hurtful or mean will probably just be ignored and may be reported if they HuRt mY fEeLiNgS. 

I have also submitted a copyright claim for my book, and I paid a whopping $55 to do it so please don't try and make this work your own. Think of writing as a carrot garden - if you spent all your time planting, caring for, and harvesting your beautiful carrots just to have your neighbor swoop in and claim your garden as their own, it wouldn't make you feel very good. Anyone can grow their own carrot garden, the first step is just believing you can!

My book is completed, so I will (hopefully) post a chapter or two every week. I do work and go to school, but I will try and make posting a priority!

If you've taken the time to actually read this far, then a big massive thank you again! I hope you enjoy my story. Even if you don't, I still appreciate the time you took to check my work out!

Have a wonderful day!

EtherealWhere stories live. Discover now