Chapter 22

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Standing in front of the crowd, Katie took in a deep breath so that she would not have to breathe during her speech. "Wolves, as your Luna, I bring the moon goddess to our side. We will win this battle against the Titan pack, they will never hurt another wolf again!"

She let the words flow from her mouth in free verse. She did not know if she truly believed the moon goddess was on her side. After everything the goddess had put her through, it was hard to believe that there was a higher divinity up there somewhere. But the crowd seemed to buy it as they listened with rapt attention- holding onto every one of Katie's words like they would be her last. Yet when she had finished, no one cheered.

It was silent.

Kaiden gripped her shoulders, and she looked up at him with curiosity. "Not everyone believes in the moon goddess here," he explained quietly, "It is a rather old tradition that has gone out of style."

Katie licked her lips to hide her doubt.

Seeing her uncomfortable expression, Kaiden stepped forward and addressed the crowd. He stood tall and proud as he lifted up his hands and shouted "When we take the pack in full moonlight, our pack will go down in history. We will gain followers and friends. Our sister will be avenged!"

And the crowd cheered for him.


After Kaiden had left, he allowed Katie to mingle with the crowd. Though mingle is a bad word as the pack avoided her. They pretended she did not exist and began to fight each other again.

Letting out a sigh, Katie sat herself down on a rock and covered her eyes with her hand to block the light hanging above her. She watched as a wolf dodged another. The foe snarled and lunged barely missing. The two wolves danced in a battle of ferociousness when the first wolf landed a blow pinning the other down.

The two wolves growled before shifting back.

They shook hands and Katie took time to walk up to them.

"Good fight," Katie interrupted the two men. They glanced at her before nodding their heads into a polite bow. It wasn't a very formal sign of respect that Kaiden required, but it was enough for Katie.

"Do you fight, Luna?" One man with shaggy red hair asked.

Katie nodded her head, "When I was rogue, I had to fight off many others. I learned quickly about how to fight in wolf form."

The two exchanged looks and the second man with brown spiked hair cracked a sly smile, "Perhaps, if you are fit to lead us, you should fight us."

A hushed silence made its way across the field and the warriors all stopped fighting. Looking around, Katie realized that the training had stopped and that all eyes were on her.

The shaggy redhead jabbed his elbow into the brunette.

"I'm sorry, Luna. Lawrence doesn't know what he is saying."

The brunette, Lawrence hissed, "Don't shut me up Jake. I know my rights. If Luna is so strong, and the moon goddess is with her," he exclaimed in a mocking tone, "then anyone she fights should lose. If she is beaten, then she must forfeit her power."

The silence was unbearably tight and tense. It was only Katie's first day back, her limbs still shook from what Kaiden had done and now she was being challenged.She didn't want the title of Kaiden's Luna. But for some reason, her wolf disagreed and snarled at the lack of respect.

It made Katie shake.

For a month, Katie had fought wolf after wolf, foe after foe in the forest. She had learned to survive and learned about her wolf.

She was strong and violent, when they were fighting, Katie couldn't think of anything but the splatter of blood and the wonderful metallic taste on her tongue.

Her wolf loved the chase and loved the kill even more.

Normally her wolf only resurfaced in a fight. Yet her wolf hissed and pushed against the chains in Katie's mind. She wanted out. She wanted to run to Kaiden and she wanted to leave the human rational part behind.

Finally giving in, Katie nodded and the crowd gasped. She had just agreed to be challenged.

Lucas grinned and pulled a young female wolf forward. She had stringy brown hair and big green doe eyes. She seemed to have a permanent slouch and refused to look at Katie in the eyes.


Her wolf hissed and Katie nodded in agreement. Then the fight started and Katie was brought back to her time in the forest. She only ventured off the Crow Territory once or twice and was instantly surrounded by rogues. 

To get back home, Katie had to kill each and every one of them. This opponent was nothing. Katie immediately shifted as the girl lunged at her. Katie saw red and she allowed her wolf levage. Words echoed in a sensation only Katie knew around her. The words of the wolf begged Katie to kill the girl.

The doe-eyed opponent growled and suddenly the vulnerable exterior that she had before disappeared. Black straight, knees apart, the girl met Katie's lunge with a fist. Katie's wolf snarled at the last minute change.

She spun on her heels and began another assault. Katie and the girl battled for what seemed only a few seconds when the wolf grew frustrated.

She bucked against Katie's mind like a bull rampaging a fence. Katie lost focus on the fight, head spinning with a major headache which allowed her opponent to latch onto her scruff. The girl knocked Katie around and with every second Katie got more dizzy, her wolf pushed harder.

Katie's growl filled the air with a new reverence. The doe eyed girl stopped dropping the wolf in shock and Katie stood up, back tense, snarling like a rapid beast.

That is what she was. That is what her parents thought she was. A beast.

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