Chapter 2

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Cassandra felt like a fucking snake as she worked her way out of the parlor. Of course, snakes had the proper muscles to propel themselves along, while humans, they weren't meant to be bound, gagged and crawling around on the floor.
There had been nothing to cut her ropes in the parlor, and she'd wasted valuable time searching.
Now as she crawled into the hallway, she wondered where the kitchen was. This place was huge! Cassandra didn't think she had ever been in a house this big.
Right, left, or straight?
There were several winding hallways to choose from. Cassandra picked left.
She tried to hurry, but it was slow going. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she came to a.......workout room? There was a weight bench, treadmill, bo-flex, and several other workout apparatus to which she couldn't name.
Cassandra sighed, didn't look like there was anything here.

"And just where do you think you're going?" Marta, that nasty socialite, stood in the doorway.

Cassandra had hoped for a little more time. Time's up, she thought in a fatalistic fashion.

Marta pulled out a long, thick white cloth and tied it tightly over Cassandra's gagged mouth. Then she used another one to blindfold her.

Oh boy, thought Cassandra. This can't be good.


"And so the two little princesses lived with the old witch and helped keep her young and happy. They lived happily ever after." Marta closed the fairytale book she had been reading. "Girls, what do you think? Will you help me live happily ever after?"

"mmmrrfrfggggrmmmmpppp! pprrggmf! frrgggmmmf!" mph, mphfr!" Becky's anger had nearly reached its limit. Fairy Tales! This woman was reading her and Cassandra fairy tales! It was not normal to tie people up and read to them.
No ma'am, it was abnormal.

"Frmk umf!" Cassandra's muted voice piped up from wherever she was.

Becky and Cassandra were in the same room but couldn't see each other due to the blindfolds. Marta was somewhere close by, probably in a chair. Things were getting more and more tortuous. This ball-tie Becky was in made for some uncomfortable cramps in her legs.
She heard Marta get up.

"I have one more story, than it's time for you two to have a nap." Marta said laughingly. "It's way past your bedtime."

Becky couldn't see her watch, so she had no idea how much time had passed.

"grmf, trmk, mrrggmfj, vrmkdmrf!"

"Becky, you should take a lesson from Cassandra and do us all a favor. No one can understand you." Marta replied. She picked up the book and began reading.

Becky rolled her eyes under her blindfold. What a basket case. Since she couldn't move or talk, she couldn't help listening to the story, in spite of herself.


Margaret Swift hung up her phone. She had been trying to get a hold of Becky and Cassandra for the last hour. Becky had called earlier and said something about Alfonsi and criminal racquet then hung up.
Margaret, or Maggie, as she was commonly called, stands at five feet eight inches, making her taller than average American woman height. She weighed one hundred and forty two pounds. Intense blue eyes observed the world around her, framed by an average face. Her jaw and mouth are too big and she has high cheekbones. Her nose is medium sized that matches her strong chin. Coal black hair that she keeps in a short ponytail, frames her face.

Twenty-five years old and she's the star reporter at MDT. Of course, until Becky showed up. Maggie was not sure if Becky will be competition or an ally. Becky really admired Maggie and asked her for tips on reporting.

Maggie likes the kid, she really does. It's just that while Becky is headstrong and smart, she won't always listen to Maggie's advice. Maggie has been reporting since she was young, so, she has many years of experience. She considered herself a very cautious person, not prone to rush into danger. Unlike her blonde and blue haired friends.

Maggie broke from her reverie. Yes, that's what it was. Becky and Cassandra were in peril. Again. She yawned, she would have to teach them a lesson or two. Or three.
Maggie doesn't consider herself an arrogant person, but deep down she knew she was. She did know what she was doing though. Hey, it ain't prideful if it's the truth, right?

She got on her computer and did some research. Then, she carefully packed some things in a bag, changed and left her house, driving away in her bright red 2018 Ford Mustang. Being the star reporter had its perks.
She looked forward to putting her plan into action


Maggie pulled up to the large mansion, parked, and got out. She paused, looking in the car window, admiring her reflection. Maggie had to admit, she did look glam.
A dark red off the shoulder dress accentuated her body, while matching red lipstick glistened on her lips. Tiny silver earrings adorned her ears.
A touch of rouge lightly brushed her cheeks.
Her six inch stiletto heels made her look very tall.

She staggered a little up to the front door, being careful to look slightly stoned.
Maggie rang the doorbell, and waited. A few minutes passed, nothing happened.

She rang the doorbell again, this time she pushed it rapidly three times in a row.

Finally the door opened, revealing Marta Alfonsi in all her glory. Maggie wasn't impressed, she'd seen prettier women than her.

"May I help you?" Marta asked politely, if not a little condescending.

"Why, I think so," Maggie said, slurring her speech a little. "I'm looking for the Ebon place, there's a party there tonight."

"It's not around here" Marta said, really giving Maggie a look over. "Don't they have apps for someone your age, to keep you from getting lost?"

"Sure do. But I forgot it at home. Was in such a rush to go hang out, drink some more beer, chill with my girlfriend." Maggie lied. Then she added, with a flirtatious wink. "I'm always looking to have a fun time."

Marta just looked her over again, and for a moment Maggie thought she came on too strong.
Then the Italian woman seemed to like what she was seeing. Because she winked back at Maggie.

"Come in and use my phone" Marta offered, in a way that said she didn't believe Maggie's lie but she was looking for a good time too.

"Thanks so much." Maggie said gushily, still in character.

She followed Marta in.

Maggie had a fling with a girl in high school once. She had enjoyed it but it ultimately didn't work out. After that she had dated several boys and another girl, but nothing ever panned out.
Combining those experiences with her reporting skills, it was easy for her to pick up that Marta liked both men and women. Just by looking her up online and the few minutes she'd already spent with her. Hell yeah, she was a good reporter.

Maggie continued to follow the socialite down the winding halls, observing everything she could.
She kept silent, not asking any questions. She knew Becky and Cass had to be around here somewhere. Probably tied up. And gagged. Those two, they should have called her. Maggie could have gotten what was needed and been out already.

They arrived at the kitchen. Marta led Maggie over to an old fashioned phone hanging on the wall. Maggie made no move towards it.

"Could I get a drink?" Maggie asked. "I'm really thirsty."

"Certainly" Marta purred. She filled a glass and handed it to Maggie.

As she raised the glass to her lips, Maggie noticed the Italian looking at her wrists. Here was the tricky part. Before she had left, Maggie took a red marker and very, very lightly made a circle around both wrists. She thought it looked very convincing as rope or handcuff marks. This was the test, if her suspicions were correct than Marta was into bondage.

"Your wrists, what happened to them?" Marta concernedly asked.

"Well," Maggie said,pretending to hesitate. "I, well I...."

"It's ok, you can tell me" Marta smoothly reassured her.

"It's just that, it isn't something conventional, you know?" Maggie said

"Let me guess, is it bondage?" Marta asked.

Maggie blushed "How did you guess? I mean, yes. It's, it's something I really enjoy."

Marta looked hopeful. "Well, if a stranger wanted to tie you up and said stranger needed her habit kept secret would you consider it?"

Maggie blushed again, "I think it would depend on the money and also if the stranger was rich and famous." She finished coyly.

Marta smiled.

Fifteen minutes later

"Mmrrggg." Maggie said through the cleave gag tied around her mouth.

Marta had taken her upstairs after offering to pay Maggie in order to tie her up, but not before Marta made her sign a legally binding agreement that Maggie would keep this to herself.

Maggie found herself handcuffed to the bedpost, each wrist cuffed to each side. A knotted cleave gag kept her from speaking plainly. Maggie smiled to herself, this would be too easy.

Marta looked at her approvingly, then glanced at the clock. "Hold on dear one, I must attend to something downstairs." She quickly exited the room.

Maggie immediately got to work. She slid the hairpin she had hidden between her fingers before Marta cuffed her.
Working delicately, she carefully inserted it into the handcuff hole and began feeling around.
Five minutes later she had one hand free and two minutes later Maggie had freed her other hand.
She ripped her gag off.
You go girl, she thought to herself.
Maggie positioned herself on the bed, then waited.


"ggrrmmmfff. crfmfyugrv!" Becky yelled, only, it sounded more like a song played so low you could barely hear the music, and most definitely could not make out the words.

"Nrfm grtsgr! Hrmbmffpp." Cassandra said, her voice a little louder.

They had been trying to find each other for the last while. It was hard, Becky reflected, when you had a blindfold on. She was so well gagged she had breathe through her nose, so it made locating Cass a real chore. Not that she could move towards her. No way jose. Marta had seen to that, much to Becky's eternal disgust. She was still ball-tied, so it was up to Cass.
Sucks to be you, she thought.

"Ah, my two lovelies, I just had to check on you before I attend to my new guest!" Marta's voice seemed to come out of nowhere.

"Fruk mrg frsd!"

"grmfg! irdg, mpf hrmg nrwg, mrpg!"

Two voices responded.

"Well, I can see everything is as it should be. Take care girls!" Marta cheerfully called out.

"mrrgmphhhhreghm! jrkmpf!" Becky grumbled.

She wondered who Marta's guest was.


Maggie waited tensely on the bed, it shouldn't take too long for Marta to come back.
She held one handcuff open and at the ready in one hand, a pillow case in the other.

The bedroom door opened, and everything seemed to slow down for Maggie.

She saw Marta enter the room, her mouth forming an "O" of surprise and at that moment, Maggie leapt, throwing the pillow case over Marta's head.
She quickly yanked Marta's wrist into the cuff, then cliked it to the bedpost.
Maggie had her now. She went about securing Marta's other wrist to the opposite bedpost.

For her part, Marta didn't say a word.

Maggie yanked the pillow case off her head. The Italian woman looked so disappointed Maggie would have felt sorry for her if she wasn't holding her friends hostage.

"Now, where are Becky and Cassandra?" Maggie asked severely.

"I thought you were the real deal. You certainly made a fool of me." Marta said dejectedly.

"That's not what I asked, I want to..."

"They're downstairs!" Marta said, now angry. "That Becky Carter got my Lorenzo all worked up! Now she must pay!"

"Thank you!" Maggie said, then left the room.


Becky heard someone coming again. Who? Probably Marta. Becky wished she could kick right now, or at least talk. She would give that woman a piece of her mind.

"So, the snooping reporter gets herself and her photographer friend in a bind. Again. BORING.
Good thing Maggie the experienced journalist is here to lend a helping hand." Maggie said, sounding cocky.

"mrrrgggmmm!" Becky retorted.
Maggie. Of all the people to find them it had to be Maggie. Becky wasn't complaining though, she was sore from this ball-tie, handcuffs, gag, everything.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did you try to say something? That's right! Becky is gagged folks! How very....common!" Maggie laughed sardonicly.

"ggrrrmmmmfff" Becky growled.
Maggie better not be recording this. Her blindfold was ripped away and Becky squinted in the light. She saw Maggie bending down to untie her.

Cass was already untied and was undoing her gag. She spit out the sock that had been shoved in her mouth. "Urrg, I'll never wear that sock again."

"Becky, Becky, if you would have waited we could have gone together and you'd never have gotten tied up." Maggie scolded her as she picked the locks on Becky's cuffs.

"vrmfg! frmgdthmpprffmmg!" Becky scolded right back.

"Wow, they really gagged you this time." Maggie finished with the handcuffs.

Becky's hands immediately went to her gag and began taking it off.

A few minutes she was free and they were bringing Maggie up to speed.

"Wait a minute, so you didn't actually find anything?" Maggie asked incredulously.

"Well, no,but I felt a draft in the bedroom and I was checking it out when Marta jumped me. I've been a prisoner since. Thanks for the rescue by the way."

"No worries" Maggie said, a tad condescending.

"Hey Maggpie, lay off Becky, she's new at this and doesn't have your experience. Neither do I for that matter. But how many times did you get tied up when you were our age?" Cassandra asked, fed up with Maggie's arrogance and also coming to Becky's defense.

Maggie glared at Cassandra. She hated being called "Maggpie".
"Listen you little...."

"Maggie listen, we're grateful for the rescue, but we're adults. We don't need you lecturing us. Anyway, let's focus on the task at hand." Becky interjected.

Maggie finally relented."Ok."

Becky smiled at Cass. Maggie always gave in when they ganged up on her.

"But we need to discuss the fact that you didn't find anything. Even if you did, it wouldn't hold up in court because you intruded on their private chambers. Cassandra was trespassing on the lawn, and I signed an agreement with Marta saying anything I saw in here today would remain private. That is legally binding." Maggie looked from Becky to Cass.

"Aww s#!$." Cass said.

"Yeah but, if I look around some more...." Becky began but was interrupted.

"Come on, we need to check on Marta." Maggie said.

Becky relented for the moment.

Together they trooped upstairs. Marta was still there, cuffed and waiting.

"So, you are both free and I am the prisoner. Do not worry, I am far from finished." Marta said, grinning.

"Why isn't she gagged?" Becky asked, irritated.

"I second the motion" Cassandra said.

"Sure, you can gag me, be advised though, next time I meet up with you it will be bad. For all of you." Marta included Maggie in her appraising look.

Becky ignored her, picking up the ballgag Marta had shown her earlier. "I've never used this before, but I'm sure it works." She brought it over to Marta. "Open wide."

To Becky and Cassandra's surprise and disappointment, Marta opened her mouth and let them insert the gag. That took all the fun out of it.
Marta's eyes were smiling as they buckled it in place.

"Allright, let's go you two." Maggie said bossily.

"No, not untill I find some evidence." Becky said stubbornly.

"How many times do I have to explain..."

"How many times do I have to tell you I AM NOT LEAVING." Becky retorted. "Go if you want, I'm staying."

Cass looked sincerely at Becky "C'mon Beck, you know Maggie's right."

"Cass, I don't expect you to stay. I totally understand. Don't worry, I'll be fine." Becky said.

Marta lay on the bed, watching.

Becky started to go beside the bed to look under it when Maggie and Cass looked at each other.

Maggie grabbed one of Becky's arms, Cass grabbed the other. Becky looked at them in surprise.

"Hey! Get your hands off me!" Becky said angrily.

"Sorry Becky, this is for your own good." Maggie said.

"There's something about this bed, I need to...mmmppphhh!"

Maggie had clapped a hand over Becky's mouth.

Cass murmured apologetically under her breath about how this was for Becky's own good.

Becky struggled, but the two girls were too strong combined. All three headed for the door.

Becky managed to break free of Maggie's hand over her mouth. "This isn't the end Marta!" She called out. "I'll find the evidence I need sooner or....mmmmrrrppphh!"

Maggie's hand clamped down again, and Becky was cut off.

They dragged Becky outside to the car, then made her get in. She was sullen on the way home.

"I know there was something about that bed. If you guys wouldn't have dragged me out of there." Becky gave her friends an icy glare.

"Becky there was nothing special about that bed. It was a normal king size bed." Maggie said.

"Yeah, sorry Becky. I just didn't want you to lose your job." Cass said sympathetically.

"Yeah no worries. I know you guys were looking out for me." Becky remained unconvinced about the bed though. She would do more digging, and sooner or later she would find something.
She was a Carter, and she would get to the bottom sooner rather than later.


Marta's smiling eyes vanished as soon as the girls left. Her jaw already ached from the ballgag. She was angry at having to spend four more hours in this position untill Lorenzo got home.
Marta sure wasn't about to let the girls see her angry though. No sense giving them satisfaction.
She was relieved that snoop Becky hadn't been able to check out the bed. Everything might have come undone. There would be guards after this.

She began planning, ironing out details for her prey. She would let the mice make the first move, then spring her trap. Oh yes, she couldn't wait.

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