meeting hybrid two (jinnie)

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The morning was met with a shift in position. Jungkook was now tucked underneath Yoongi's chin, face pressed up against the warm chest, while Yoongi's nose was firmly pressed in Jungkook's soft hair, breathing in his scent.

Jungkook snuggled closer to the warmth of Yoongi's body, grumbling slightly as he slowly got his bearings. He felt the strong arm wrapped around his waist; he felt protected and cared for.

Although it was incredibly alluring to continue to snuggle, his bladder wasn't agreeing. Jungkook wiggled sleepily to escape the grip (he really needed to pee, no matter how much he wanted to bask in the physical contact).

The pale arm remained clasping around his stomach, much to no avail, and Jungkook regretfully had to disturb the peaceful slumber the hybrid was having so he could go to the bathroom. "Yoongi-hyung... Yoongi-hyung.." He nudged his shoulder. "Wake up; I need to pee!" He patted the firm chest he was lying on impatiently, pouting slightly at the lack of response. He really couldn't stand it anymore, so he pinched his upper arm, making Yoongi yowl in pain.

The arm went up automatically, Yoongi's face was pinched in pain as he rubbed the pink area lightly. "Fuck, don't wake me up like that," He yawned while complaining, the small sharp incisors peeking out. Jungkook ignored the male and dashed to the toilet to relieve himself. Yoongi just curled back to sleep, drifting back to Dreamland almost immediately.


"Now, Yoongi-hyung, would you like to tell me where you disappeared off to?" Jungkook asked while rebandaging his cut hands. He was settled in between Yoongi's parted legs so he could see the wounds up closer and bandaging it much more securely (it totally wasn't because Yoongi was really warm and he just wanted to be closer).

Glancing at the boy's focused face and the tiny sliver of his tongue peeking out of his mouth, he had an urge to caress the boy's seemingly soft skin. 'Too inappropriate, Yoongi.' He opted to gently stroke the boy's silky hair instead, feeling that was slightly more appropriate for their questionable relationship.

"Hyung, stop distracting yourself and answer the question please. I was really worried when you wasn't home."

"Sorry, Jungkook-ah. I had a bit of a kerfuffle with my dad. It's okay though; see, I came back alive!" His voice was weary, with an attempt at a false excitement, waving his hands sluggishly as a lacking attempt to prove to Jungkook he was alright.

Jungkook hummed in disagreement, patting the cat hybrid's knee lightly. "Well, I said to look after yourself and you came back all bloody and bruised, so yes, it was very reassuring!" He quipped back as he got up from the floor to sit next to Yoongi. He feigned anger towards the blond, folding his arms and giving him a glare (which in all honesty was the cutest thing Yoongi had ever seen).

The hybrid chuckled at the heart melting sight, shifting closer to Jungkook. "Sorry, Kook-ah." He rested his head hesitantly on Jungkook's shoulder, afraid the boy reject the physical contact and push him away in disgust.

Instead, Jungkook accepted the nickname happily and gingerly touched Yoongi's cat ears before proceeding to stroke them and scratch at the base with blunt nails - coaxing a low purr from him. Yoongi gladly bathed in the affectionate touches, pushing his head nearer to Jungkook's hand (yes, it was embarrassing for him to seek out affection, but he couldn't help it).

Giggling gleefully at the soft fur under his fingers, he continued to play with the appendages - very happy at the elicited response. "Ah, hyung! Stop trying to distract me, dammit - you haven't told me what happened yet!" He scowled cutely at Yoongi, who didn't feel at all intimidated the adorable face he was making. Yoongi's hand went up to Jungkook's face, where he playfully pinched the soft cheek, laughing at the put out expression given in return.

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