| | F I V E | |

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I was flustered.

My hair was sticking in all places and a thin fine sweat rolled onto the tip of my nose. I was beyond prepared with my simple white satin nightwear coupled with a messy bun in my head, I totally look like a lazy bum.

"Amy, get the twins," I said as she immediately took the twins from me while I took a light blue dress with sleeves that are tight on the upper arm and flared below, the white laces decorated on the end of the sleeves and the skirt. I immediately gathered my hair and put some pearly pins I saw in my closet.

With just a minute, I transformed into a lazy bum to a noblewoman.

"I'm ready"

The head maid Bertie nodded her head and announced my arrival. With a light but steady steps, the twins cuddled up in white and gray cotton swaddle blankets carried by Amy and Sally, my two personal maids.

"This humble wife welcomes her lord husband," I said in a fake sweet voice, my eyes still trained into the ground.


(AN: Kekeke, En, hahaha, I mean it was supposed to be for Asian novels typically found in Chinese stories since it's a Chinese word. But I don't know how it made it to this medieval-style novel hahaha)

His voice was smooth, deep, and dark. His boots were large, much larger than the average male foot size, trousers fitted tightly into his large muscular frame. Then suddenly, my chin was held while my eyes drifted briefly into his cold steel eyes and then immediately withdrawn from the intensity beyond his eyes.

He was a terrifying man who is not easy to be trifled with.

"Look at me" His rough and gruff voice created an unusual heat on my body.


I don't particularly like a man based on his face and wealth but when it comes to his voice. I really have a fetish for rough and slight hoarse sounds created by a man's voice.

That is one of my weaknesses and never would I ever think my fetish would become the death of me.

Because of his voice, my whole body thrums in excitement and lose my balance. But before I could kiss the floor goodbye, a warm but toned hand eased its way on my waist and I was suddenly pulled into a large body that is too hard, which is expected due to his muscular frame.

"Tha-Thank you my lord" I shyly replied as I continued to look into the floor.

I was waiting for him to take his hands off of my waist but he just squeezed it and released it again and then he continued the cycle.

"My l-lord?"


Can you say any word not just freaking En!

I shouted in my mind as I plastered a weak and afraid look at him.

"Can you-"


His sudden reply made me shook and helplessly look at his eyes from something, just any clue to answer the question in the back of my mind.

I was about to say something when I heard a soft cry from one of the twins, he didn't release me so I just placed it in the back of my mind, I will just unravel it after I took care of the twins.

Taking hold of Haru who was slightly squinting and crying, I realized that they were hungry.

Goodness! Talk about Good timing!

"My l-lord....the twins... they... they are hungry so..."

He just looked at me as if I was an alien, then I smiled awkwardly at the people who were watching us as if we were filming a drama.

Still holding me, he took Fuyu out of Amy's hands and lead me to the first floor where the twins rooms were in as well as mine. I look at him with questionable eyes and he answered.

"Feed them"

Feed them! How am I supposed to feed them when your hands were still wrapped on my waist, you stupid big large oaf!


Have a great day and stay safe!


Thank you!

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