Chapter 28

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Warning: Graphic violence ahead. But hey, isn't that why you're reading this?
Alpha Cain walked us through the center of the throngs of people, many of which looked at me in curiosity and interest. Even thought I have never been particularly shy, I was extremely grateful for the extra coverage the cloak provided. I could tell many wolves were sizing me up, trying to gauge my strength level out of instinct.

He stood in front of all of them, and I felt incredibly vulnerable being in his arms and not on my feet, ready to defend myself if necessary. The fact that my life remained in his hands was concerning if not deeply alarming.

"As many of you have already heard," Alpha Cain began, his deep voice bellowing throughout the clearing so every wolf was sure to hear, "I recently met my mate, and your future Luna, Ares. Let me make it clear that anyone who is anything less than respectful to her will be punished severely at my hands, no exceptions." He said this matter-of-factly, and it made me cringe inwardly. I felt like if wolves so chose, they should be able to confront me in whatever way they felt they needed to and say what they want to say. They may not like my reaction to their disrespect, but at least I would be doling the punishment.

"Tonight, Gamma Axel is being punished for his crimes against the Luna, and therefore this pack. It was his responsibility to watch the security cameras that surrounded the prison, and he failed to note my mate exiting the premises, therefore failing me. If anything had happened to my mate, the pack would have crumbled, as the Luna brings the pack dynamic to a balance." Alpha Cain paused, looking around the crowd harshly, daring anyone to speak up. Nobody did.

"Bring him out. It is time to begin," Alpha Cain commanded, his eyes darkening as his wolf gained more control over him, making him look feral.

At his words, two burly men escorted another large man through the crowd. His hands were bound with rope, yet his head was high, looking straight ahead without fear. His green eyes were devoid of emotion, but I was shocked that due to my bond with him as a result of being Claimed by Alpha Cain, I could feel his fear through our bond. I didn't quite understand why a man of his stature was so fearful of a few whippings. He stood broad and muscular, though not as much as my mate, and I was positive that he should be able to take 20 lashings and only be a little sore the next day. I wondered why everyone was making this such a big deal.

"Kneel," Alpha Cain ordered to the Gamma, his voice thick with dominance. "Do you understand why you are being punished?"

The Gamma knelt, and barred his neck in submission. "Yes, Alpha." His voice was cool, despite the anxiety I felt through the Luna bond with him.

"The punishment will be 20 lashes, or until you pass out, as is the standard punishment for misdemeanors. Make no mistake though, the next time you fail to protect the Luna, you will pay for it with your life," Alpha Cain snarled the last few words, and I was shocked by how he thought putting me in the jail cell was somehow a method of protecting me.

"We will now begin. Before we start, I have to ask per Blood Law requirements, is there anyone willing to take Gamma Axel's punishment for him?" Alpha Cain asked, clearly not intending anyone to offer. The sickened look on their faces said everything they needed to.

I didn't hesitate. I will, I quickly spoke through the entire pack's link, so they all knew what was happening.

I heard many gasps throughout the crowd, but other than that, the air hung silent. Alpha Cain glared down at me, his hold tightening around my body. "The Gamma is being punished for crimes against you. I will not allow for you to take his place."

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