34. CEO wishes to Run Away (13)

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Sia smirked at Erika. She had stolen her away from Daniel. Sia said, "Looks like Daniel has a crush on you."

Erika smirked, "Heh as if a man like him can have a crush on someone. He didn't even thought twice before dumping the heroine. "

Sia said, "Enn it's not something new anyway. All heros and heroines are dumb if the villain is smart anyway."

Erika exclaimed , "But it isn't supposed to be this way! Heroes and heroines should be the icon of justice." (→_→)

Sia said, "Well maybe there are good heroes and heroines in some other dimension!"ヽ('ー' )┌

[ Host we send you to all those world where you can complete your mission without an hunch. Here if the heroine is good then you yourself won't wish to destroy her ]

So you basically send us to the world's where the main characters are bad and dishonest! ( ̄︿ ̄)

[ Correct host ]

Erika looked at Sia and said, "I have some work to do. See you later." Sia nodded and Erika left her. Sia was looking around that she spotted Lena walking towards Erika.

Now what does she want from Erika?

She came closer to Erika and Sia noticed there was two wine glass in her hand. System scan her wine glass!

[ Drug detected on the wine glass in her left hand ]

Sia was sure that one is for Erika...Say system in last dimension that heroine also pulled this trick and now this one.

Is drugging people really popular method of revenge for heroines?

Lena came towards Erika and gave her the drugged wine,"Let us celebrate for you coming back to country."

Erika smiled and took the wine glass. Suddenly Sia called her. 

When Erika came closer to Sia, she said, "I wouldn't drink that drink if I were you." Erika looked at the drink and asked, "Is this spiked?" Sia smiled.

Erika exploded, "I will drop that drink on her." Sia smirked, "There is something better. Take this drink and show it to Daniel. Act as if you didn't pursue Lena thinking about his reputation."

Erika was stunned, "If I did that then Daniel will dislike Lena and his worthless feelings for me will increase. Excellent idea!" Sia smiled.

From today's party Sia was clear about one thing, a little more push from Erika and heroine will lose her hero.

Now left is destroying. Well looks like her mission in this world will be finish sooner.....


[ Hidden mission: marry Ethan Austin ]

" ....................."


[ Host waah....... it's not me who gives host missions. It's my higher ups and my master ]

Sia calmed herself down. It's ok....it's ok. It's only a mission. System who is Ethan Austin?

[ Host did you forgot he is the second male lead ]

Now that reminds her in story because of Emma Neilson Lena once left hero's company and joined the Austin's where she met Ethan Austin, the young CEO of Austin's who fell in love with her. But Lena marries Daniel so Ethan could do nothing but help Daniel to prosper.

Such a crazy full of plot holes story! If the heroine is married why do Ethan need to help the hero. Was there some kind of scarcity of women in that world? (→_→)

[ Host there is something you need to know ]

What is it now?

[ Current Ethan Austin's body is taken by Mo Ting ]

" ................. "


Quick Transmigration: Destroy the heroine systemWhere stories live. Discover now