Chapter 4 - Séaroën and the guardian trees

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Taghna woke up with a start. She could still feel some fangs closing on her neck and breaking it with a sharp blow. She put her hand on the back of her skull and on her shoulders to try to relax. Her body was aching with pain. The children had spent several days tearing off the shoots that threatened the roofs of the village and their muscles were still feeling the strain.

Despite the early hour, she didn't want to go back to sleep. Out of habit, she looked for Færn in the mass of bodies tangled around her. Every time Maoïr had asked them to work in a group, she would team up with him as if they had always lived together. Even though Taghna often criticized her friend's clumsiness, she liked his calm way of doing things and knew she could count on him at all times. She didn't know why he was so attached to her, but she hoped that he would never doubt her friendship.

She found him under two heavy blankets, his head resting on Branach's butt, a boy with an already impressive physique. He was still asleep with his eyes closed and Taghna could not help but whisper to herserlf "what a lazy guy", exasperated to find him in a state in fact not far from her own. She crouched down near him, being careful not to walk on one hand or foot, and whispered to him:

- Færn, wake up... We're going to explore the village.

Seeing him frown and growl with dissatisfaction, she shook him by the shoulder without hesitation, almost forgetting that she didn't want to wake the rest of the troop. He opened his eyes with difficulty.

- But it's not yet time to go out, he protested weakly.

When he saw his friend looking at him with a wrathful look, he quickly realized that the time was not right for discussion and he got up, wincing in pain. They walked away on their tiptoes. When they found themselves on the sidelines, Taghna stopped and explained her plan to Færn:

- We'll try to get into the séalyar's house.

- Is it not forbidden? he replied a little late, the words slowly taking shape in his misty mind.

- We were only told that the mataïg was forbidden to adults. Don't you wonder what's in a house that big?

She was trying to arouse her friend's curiosity, but the result was not as good as she expected.

- I still don't think we're allowed to go. And I have to pee... he said on his way to a house.

This interlude gave Taghna time to prepare a more convincing response, which she presented to him as soon as his commission was completed:

- All right, do as you please. I'm going alone and I won't tell you anything. Never mind. Even though I'm sure there will be meat...

And she walked away with with great, determined strides. Færn followed her for a moment, weighing the pros and cons. He saw her suddenly start walking with caution. In her brash attitude, she had forgotten that they wanted to remain stealthy. As she disappeared behind a wall, he ran to her. Taghna smiled triumphantly as she saw him coming up behind her.

They moved along the back of the buildings and took care to remain hidden. No adult was in sight, not even Maoïr who usually slept close to the children. The day was just beginning to rise and the two children could not see more than a few metres away. So they forced themselves to be very careful, hurrying when they were out in the open and checking each passage before continuing on towards the mataïg.

They finally arrived a few steps from the entrance of the mataïg. As the latter was in the centre of the village, its entrance was completely exposed, which was far from reassuring.

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