Intro/'How to Write on Wattpad' Books

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So, I've been looking around on Wattpad, I'm seeing a lot of these 'How to Write' books, and at first, I'd read the first couple chapters and all would be well. I thought: Wow! this could be really useful to a newb like me!

But- and you'll be seeing a lot of this word as I go on, I'm sure- these guides drag on into exactly what the author was first warning people about.

" You should all triple-check your spelling with auto correct, a freaking dictionary and a University english teacher before you publish your chapter!"

Five chapters later:

" What ap you guys, how benn doing, I've fbeeen really tarting to be pissed off with people on the wattpad that can't _______" Etc.

So, I thought I would make this a special little dedication to anyone who writes a 'How to Write' book:

1. If you're going to tell people to look out for so and so, don't do so and so.

2. Please try to stay impersonal about whatever advice you're giving. Not all vampire fiction is bad, not all teenage girls are morons.

3. Unless you're willing to go through every fandom out there and their fanfictions enough to find the stereotypes in them, try not to make critics of those fanfictions. Your fandom is yours, that's great but seriously- half the people here probably don't even know what Attack On Titan is.

4. As you go further into your book and get more reads and more votes, please, try not to go superficial. Most of the books I've read giving tips on how to be better at writing on Wattpad said to stay true to yourself, and then fifteen chapters and three hundred reads later, we end up with chapters like this:

" Yo, what up braaaahs!!1!

So I know I was supposed to write a chpter today, buuuuuut- NAAAHH.


Yeah, I can't really write right now:

There was a fire alarm drill at my school- and OMFG so funny, I swear- me and my friend went into the bathroom- OMFG LMFAO @SuperKittySparklesExampleUsername--- we made lumps f paper wif soap n water, and we THREW THEM AT THE CEILING!!!!!

*drops dead laughing

*then some OC they invented walks in

OC: -blank-, why're you laughing?

Me: OMG OC- @SuperKittySparklesExampleUsername and me in the bathroom today!!!! *laughs like a weirdo*

OC: um, ok- I see you've completely abandoned your original intentions and have resigned to whatever bullsh*it you were complaining about in the first place. Goodbye. *leaves

Me: -noooooo. *still ROFLing "

So yeah.

( Note to anybody reading this: please, please, if I ever start doing anything I had previously said was the work of the devil, or at least seemed like it, please, don't be afraid to tell me! I don't want to turn into yet another brain-numbing 'LOL' 'Wat.' and 'LMAO' poster girl.)

Anyhow, I'll get to work on another chapter as soon as I can!

Hope anybody reads at all...

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