Chapter 10: Goodbye Sabo, My Brother

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"This isn't good!" Usopp said nervously, hearing the wind picking up outside, rattling the walls with such force that it felt like it was going to blow away.

"At this rate the fire is going to spread so quickly..." Nami whispered, going out to check the weather and frowned heavily at what she saw. She came back in and quickly explained, "The wind's blowing off from the sea, and if tonight's like this, along with all the explosives we saw, then the whole Terminal'll be covered in flames in a matter of minutes!"

"So they're really gonna let them burn to death?!" Brook called fearfully as the boys continued to fight tooth and nail to cut themselves free.

"Those bastards..." Franky growled, cracking his robotic knuckles together. "If I ever meet them, I'm gonna shove my foot so far up his..."

"Luffy!" Ace called desperately, unknowingly interrupting Franky. He had been looking around for something and spotted a window down near the far end of the hideout.

Luffy, who was crying, stopped and turned his head as far around as he could to listen. "See that window back there?" Ace asked him quickly.

"Yeah?" Luffy asked, sniffling as he looked down at, not understanding, "but why?"

"I get it," Robin said, "If they can get a shard of glass they can use it to cute the ropes."

"And if Luffy could get his body to stretch out and break it...?" Sanji said, a smile coming back to his face. "Genius."

"Do you think you can stretch your arm out and break it?" Ace asked, still pulling on the rope.

"I—I don't know!" Luffy said, trying to move his fingers, but was bound so tightly that it was almost impossible.

"Well, try something!" Ace snapped at him. "If you can't use your hands then try your feet or something!"

"Ok!" he gasped out, moving his foot up as high as he could. He then stuck his tongue out as he concentrated, kicking out foot as far as he could go. Like a rubber band, his foot shot out, but fell several feet short of the window.

"Damn it," Zoro said frowning, now starting to feel apprehensive. This wasn't good. Luffy still didn't have too much control over his own powers, and time wasn't on their side. If they didn't hurry, then they'd be going down in flames... literally.

"Try it again!" Ace called, and though he sounded calm, they could see the panic starting to rise in his eyes.

"I'm trying!" Luffy said fearfully, pulling his leg back so that he could try again.

"They gotta hurry!" Usopp said, biting his nails, cringing every time he heard the wind knock into the hideout.

"I'm sure that they make it out in time," Robin said, though even she sounded a little unnerved. "They're not the type of people who give up easily."

"Come on, Luffy!" Chopper called, now cheering Luffy on. "I know you can do it!"

Sanji puffed harder than ever on his cigarette as he glanced through the window and at the slowly darkening sky. "If I had to guess, they're sure to set off those crates when it's dark and everyone's sleeping."

"That way, by the time they woke up and realized they were in trouble, the fire would cut off any escape route and they have nowhere to go," Robin agreed. "That sounds like that's how they'd do this."

"That's horrible!" Chopper yelled furiously.

"But what's the point?!" Brook repeated for what felt like the millionth time. "Why would anyone want to do this?"

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