CHAPTER EIGHT - Loyal Friends

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Timber woke up later than usual that Sunday morning. The house was silent which Timber thought was odd. She thought at first that they had gone to church without her. Then she realized that her ears were clogged. She grunted. Her ears had not been clogged in years. She kept them clean and went to check-ups as needed with her nurse. She tried to make noise but her throat burned. The boys had been sick within the last month but Timber remained unaffected. She supposed her immune system finally surrendered and everything hit her all at once.

She got up with great effort and tried to get down properly but her head hurt and spun so much, she fell out of bed and hit the floor with a loud thud. She had no strength to get up either so she stayed on the ground and waited for Henry to find her.

Henry came in a half-hour later to find Timber crumpled on the floor, tangled in the bedding. He hurried over and untangled her. She got to her feet and wobbled. Her muscles were sore and tired. Henry supported her and walked into the main living space slowly keeping one hand over the scruff of her neck. Timber followed his movement as her pounding head was affecting her vision to the point she barely see. She kept her head low so her eyes weren't burned by the bright morning sun.

"Don't move," Henry said to Axel and Renegade, who were roughhousing by the kitchen. They stopped immediately when they saw Timber leaning against Henry's left hip.

"Is Mama alright?" asked Axel.

"What's wrong with Mom?" asked Renegade.

"I think she's sick," said Henry with a clear tone of concern. Timber hadn't been this sick in over ten years.

"Should I call Aiyanna or Sara?" asked Renegade as Henry brought Timber around to the couch.

He helped her up and tucked her in with the throw blanket. Timber tried to cough but it burned her throat badly. She closed her eyes and rested while Henry ran his hand down her back.

"Call Sara first," said Henry. "Axel, heat a bowl of bone broth for her, please. When you bring it over, move slow and stay out of range. I'm going to stay here just in case. She can't seem to hear or smell and I don't think she can see well."

"Got it."

The boys sprung into action. Timber could not hear what was said but she heard the muffled tone of Henry's voice. She adjusted her position and put her paw on the hardwood floor. While her other senses were useless, she could still feel slight vibrations on the floor when people were close and she could get an idea of where they were. She did not feel vulnerable, however. Henry was beside her.

Timber could feel Axel approach five minutes later. She remained still as she opened her eyes and watched a blurry image of Axel setting a bowl on the coffee table. She nodded her gratitude and moved her body into a better eating position. Henry left her for a moment while she lapped up the broth with her tongue. It was a welcome relief to have the warm liquid run down her sore throat. It still burned but it offered some reprieve.

When she finished, she looked up and saw an unclear image of a familiar face. Someone called her nurse, Sara. Sara was a tall, slender woman with pure white hair that had once been the color of the morning sun. Sara had worked alongside Aunt Grace and had, at Grace's request in her will, taken over Timber's medical care. She brought with her the specialized medical kit that Grace had put together many years ago.

Sara began by speaking to Henry but Timber could not understand their words. From Sara's eyes, Timber could gather that they were discussing what Henry knew for sure was wrong. Sara motioned for Timber to stand. Timber got to her feet slowly. She just got herself balanced when she sneezed hard and fell over. She hit her head on the side of the couch and let out a hoarse, whispered yipe. Henry helped her back up and held her steady.

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