Chapter Thirteen - Headfirst For Halos.

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  The next day I decide to stay home, considering my face has blown up like a balloon, and my whole body aches even worse than yesterday. I sit in my living room, a movie on the screen before me, what movie I have no idea, I haven't bothered to watch it. It's just finishing when there's a knock on the door, it urgent, clear from the pounding they're giving my poor door.

  I decide to ignore it, unable to find the energy to stand, but the knocking is consistent, and eventually my annoynace wins over my fatigue. I give a growl and push myself to my feet.

  When I pull open the door, my annoyance turns to outright anger. I look at his face, glowering, and try to push the door closed again, but he catches it with the corner of his black boot.

  "Don't make this any more difficult than it already is, Hadley" Frank Iero sighs in exasperation, his hand resting on the edge of the door. I glare.

  "What do you want, Frank?" I snap. He rolls his eyes.  

  "My mom ordered me to check on you" he grumbles, his eyes move over me. My baggy sweats, my over-sized sweater, I've pulled my hair back into a messy ponytail, the black and bruised skin of my face is blatantly obvious. It's not like I was expecting a visitor.

  "Well, you've checked" I push at the door, to no avail, he watches me with gleeful amusement. 

  "Honestly, Hadley" his smirk drains from his face and seriousness slides onto his features "How are you?"

  I give a sigh "I'm hurting all over and I'm fully aware of my hideousness."

  "Your face isn't that bad" he shrugs then, pushing his fringe back from his forehead.

  "Was that a compliment?" I arch an eyebrow sarcastically, he blanches. 

  "It was a comment" he bites at me, and I draw back a little, our banter seems to be gone.

  "Right..." I trail off with a frown "Well, you've checked on me, goodbye" I give him a cheerful smile that's dripping with sarcasm. He removes his foot finally.

  "Bye, Hadley" he says, I pause for him to leave, but when he doesn't, I shrug and shut the door, blunt, but then he's aware of my dislike towards him.

  I collapse onto my sofa again, the pictures on the TV flashing past my eyes without me even noticing. I don't know how long later it is, but the shrill cry of the house phone shocks me out of my trance.

  It's the one person I don't want to hear from, it's Katherine, and I'm pretty sure she's drunk.

  "Hadley Stone" she calls down the phone, her voice wobbling "My daughter" she slurs.

  "Are you drunk?" I demand.

  "Am I not aloud to be?" she gives a snort "I think I have every right to be with a daughter like you."

  My heart gives a painful squeeze, I've known for years that she doesn't really like the fact I'm her daughter, but still, it hurts to hear it.

  "I don't have to listen to this" I sigh, going to put the phone down, but her calling keeps the device pressed to my ear.

  "You will listen to this" she growls, "I called to tell you something" she pauses as I hear a slight crash, she probably tripped over something.

  "Carry on then" I roll my eyes. I know it's a bad idea, I know without a doubt her words will hurt me, but I can't keep myself from listening, I need to know, I deserve to know.

  "I wanted to tell you that I hate you" she says cheerfully, I almost choke on air, but she carries on, oblivious to my reaction "I really regret not having you aborted, you cost me more money than you should, what with keeping that house, your food and Helena" she grumbles.

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