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The place looked decent.

Scratch that, it was more than decent.

I'm currently in my assigned room, waiting for my roommate to get out of the shower so I could get in.
It was 8:45pm, lights out or lockdown, as I liked to call it, was at 9.

My room was small, with dark blue walls and a huge tinted window overseeing an even bigger tree. Two identical twin beds with compartments on either side. Then there was the bathroom curtain, no door thanks, and the gray door that led to the lobby.

And that was about it.

I stared at the guide/program Jessica gave me, which she said contained everything I needed to know.

We woke up at 8am, so we could go eat breakfast and then we were to organize our room. After that, we were free to chat amongst ourselves, watch tv in this mini living room we had. We could paint too, helps with the stress.

From 9am on forth, it was therapy, individual and in group. During the evening after lunch, we took some sort of art therapy, visited the indoor park, took what I assume is gym and the last place we visit was the multi room. What is that? I don't know.

My luggage was taken the moment I stepped into the teenager unit or floor, whatever you want to call it.

The hospital is pretty big, and its divided in sections between the buildings. There's a waiting room for teens only, another for adults only, and another for seniors only. As well as the dorms, as I call them because there's really no other way to put it, there are dorms for us, completely separated from people with ages 20 and above.

Pretty much, we got to see everyone when we went to the cafeteria. The first two floors, the ground and second one, were for teenagers. From the third and fourth, it all got mixed. Because the cafeteria is on the third floor, as well as some of the therapies I have to take.

I hope you understood because I still dont.

There was a knock and turned to see a petite brunette nurse with my duffel bag. She stood on infront of me and gave me a warm smile.

"Juniper Thompson, here ya go doll." She said in a sweet tone and I immediately liked her.

I smiled and thanked her as I grabbed it. She also handed me a basket containing my toothbrush, toothpaste, hair brush, shampoo, conditioner, hair lotion and deodorant .

"You may find that some items were taken away, like tank tops, short shirts or ripped jeans. We have a dress code here, the same as in any high school basically. Your hygiene products will be given to you every morning and every night and you are to place them on the receptionist counter wen you are done, you are not allowed to keep them here. " she said and I nodded, processing all of what she had said.

"By the way, my name is Viviane. If there is anything you need, feel free to let me know. " she said kindly, her green eyes practically sparkling.

"Thank you Viviane." I said with a smile pasted on my face. She nodded and dissapeard out the door. I went to close the it and took the opportunity to look at some of the other girls. There had to be at least 12 of us, because there were six rooms including mine.

I turned to stare at the girl across from me. She was laying on the floor with her legs in the air. She reminded me of the princess in the movie Frozen. You know, the part where young Anna was staring at the clock and imitating it sound while laying on the floor? Yeah, this girl reminded me of that.

Her amber eyes connected with mine and she gave me a small wave.

"Your new right?" She asked, moving into a sitting position while I dropped to the floor, crossing my legs as I too, sat down.

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