Chapter 37 - AP Biology & Advice

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"Were you at the party on Friday? ", Malachi questioned me as we walked down the hallway.

"Not for long, it wasn't really my scene", I replied tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Were you with Jamie?", Malachi wiggled his eyebrows at me.

I rolled my eyes at his childishness.He was like a court jester, and I of course was the King. Except he didn't make me laugh, he just made me roll my eyes a lot.

" Why weren't you there? ", I asked as we walked into the cafe.

" I had some things to do", he shrugged and I figured that if he wanted to elaborate he would have.

"Do you want anything? ", I inquired as I stood in the line, waiting to be served.

" No, I'm good. You can spot me the money though ", Malachi smiled.

Malachi and I had been together since forever and I couldn't imagine not being friends with him. We walked to school together everyday since kindergarten.

I handed him a five dollar bill and he smiled in excitement.

" Don't buy drugs", I laughed.
"Or else?", he asked as he retreated. I continued laughing to myself as I watched his figure disappear from my view.

I focused my attention toward the lady at the counter, I mentally prepared myself for what I was about to say to her.

One large iced mocha.

That was it, but knowing me I would still make a mistake. It's the anxiety that takes over my body. The uneasiness. The feeling of your throat closing up and your body heat rising. It happened all the time. No matter who I was with or what I was doing. I wouldn't say I had gotten used to it but I did have coping mechanisms like trying to calm my mind down and taking deep breathes.

There were still two people in front of me when I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I was startled away from my thoughts and back into the land of the living.

"Mia", I turned and immediately met Marcellous and his knowing eyes.

" Hey stranger ", he smiled at me.
" Marcellous! ", I exclaimed and hugged him without thinking.
" Someone's excited to see me", he laughed.
"Yes, yes I am. Christian said you'd be around and I wanted to make sure you were okay too", I explained.
" I'm fine, thanks so much. I'm still finding my way around though. I have to go change my class schedule they accidentally put me down for AP Biology. Can you imagine?", he laughed and it was like a melody.
"I'd die", I chuckled.
"I'm dead already, anyway I'll catch you later. I got to get going", he said brushing his hand against mine as he left. I tried not to over think our encounter as I made my way to our usual table, for some reason I was really thirsty. I noticed that Yoko and Sarah were already indulging without me.

"So much for saying grace", I shrugged sitting down at the table.

" I'm starving ", Sarah replied with her mouth full.

"You're always starving", I rolled my eyes as I opened the can of Dr Pepper I slipped out of my backpack.

" Chi Chi, you know how I feel about that thing", Yoko said in disgust as she glared at my can.

"And you know how I feel about it too", I smiled at her as I took a huge gulp and quenched my thirst.

" So guys, what's the plans for the spring break? ", Sarah inquired.

" My sister and I are going to stay with our grandma in -"

"China? "

"No, Sarah. Michigan", Yoko rolled her eyes.

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