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Ever since, my boss lost that friendly vine of his.
He would talk, but limited.
Me, Stephen, Henry and him ate together, but he remained closed off completely.

At some point, I started regretting why I asked him to go for dinner.
That dinner like changed everything for him.

Being stern and aggressive and arrogant was okay, but there was a gloom surrounding him twenty four seven.

I assured his family everyday that he's alright. But I always doubted if he really is.

And so I decided to do something.

Whatever it is that is bothering him, shouldn't be in his priority thinking list.
May be I can distract him.

So here I was in his bedroom, sitting on his study chair, while he was lying on the bed, writing his Sunday schedule.

"Sir we have just one meeting. You'd like to go for movie!?", I asked hopefully.

He turned with a bored expression, "I don't do movies Erica. You can take a one day leave and go for it."

Even I don't do movies, but I am willing to do it for him.

"Sir you want to do something else!? Like surfing!? Or I found this museum in central city!? They have displayed many ancient paintings."

"No!", He said and turned on the bed, facing the other side, clearly dismissing me.

I sighed getting up.
He is a hard nut to crack.
Thankfully, he isn't being as hostile as he was before.

I went in my room, and slept knowing may be tomorrow I could do something.

Tomorrow becomes today, way more fast than anticipated.
I woke up at 5.

He must be gone for a run.

I change into a track suit over my slip and go to his gym.

Plugging in the earplugs, I engross myself in exercising. Music with exercise brings me mental peace.

When I started sweating, I removed the jacket knowing no one is there to see my marks, which are clearly visible in my thin-strapped slips.

One more hour of my workout, and I decide it's time to end it here.
So I get down of the treadmill, to pick my jacket which I discarded earlier.
But as soon as I turn, my breath knocks in my throat, when I see my boss sitting on a chair staring at my body.

Had I not known better, I would have thought he's a sick pervert. But from his gaze, I can see from my body he's trying to find out the answer, to the question I dodged few days ago.

How did I got those marks.


I decided not to go for a run outside, and instead have a workout in the gym.

So getting out of my bed, I walk to the gym, only to hear soft breathing sounds.
When I walked in further, I saw my brown haired PA doing her run on the treadmill.

I decided to ignore her, because she probably didn't notice my presence, and carry on my exercise.

But my steps to the dumbbells halted, when I saw her removing her jacket.

Trying my best to not look at her, I walk, but I breath hitched when my eyes betrayed me.

The slip she was wearing only covered a decent part of the body, while giving a good view of her shoulders, back, and a little front.
She has a creamy coloured texture of the skin, which I can guess from this distance, is quite soft. While those brown marks run across whole back, and a little near her upper arms.

Those marks are like two straight parallel lines having round hole like structures in between.
And this is pathetic!
How did she endure the pain they must have given!?

I gulped the lump in my throat.

Were those marks never treated!?
Was she whipped!?
If yes, then why!?
Is she in a abusive relationship!? Not that I have seen anyone with her. But there can be any reason for this.

And that reason, I need to know.

So I waited for her to end her workout and then demand my answers.

As smart as I am, her work contract for me extends upto one year, and it has been just one week.
So even if she will be offended, I have all the cards in my pocket.

She is, as expected terrified when she spots me, and began hurrying for her jacket.

"Wait Erica!", I stop her but she never halts chaining her jacket.
Reaching her I grab her hand, so I get all of her attention.
"You need to explain!"

A wave of anger passed her eyes, but before she can retort I spoke up, "Don't come up with that we are boss and assistant. Let me tell you one thing. You are under my care, and as my responsibility. Your James and Jess, clearly stated that I have to look after you. And so I have to know what's wrong with you."

She was taken aback by my reaction.

"It has nothing to do with present. It's all over now."

"Yeah! It's all over and that's why you were shivering in your sleep that night, begging to be spared.", Her eyes widened again.
I didn't want to bring it up, but I am forced to do so.

"Sir...", That's all she said, still in daze.

"Are you in an abusive relationship!? Or were in the past!?", I ask..

She looks deep in my eyes, with her own troubled ones, "No!"

"Anyone from your family did this!?", Although I don't know a single bit about her family. Only if it exists.


"You said you were seeing Evans! Oh god! Did he!?"

"No!", She yelled furiously this time.

"Then tell me what it is!?", I yelled back.

I don't know if it was my yelling or her remembering whatever happened, her eyes started tearing up.

My eyes softened immediately.

"You can tell me Erica!", I said softly wiping the tear that escaped.

She stared at me, "You'll be disgusted."

"Erica...You can't interpret my reaction before actually seeing it."

"No! I know you'll be disgusted....And so disgusted that you will not look at me. Lest holding me. Also, you'll wish to discard everything of yours, that I ever touched. You will regret the times you spared me a glance."

I was shocked would be an understatement. Not because of the literal meaning of her sentences, but the grief her voice is laced with.
That moment I realized how much she's holding inside that hard exterior of hers.

My grasp on her loosened involuntarily, and taking the opportunity she went away.

If yesterday, she was suggesting plans to take my mind out of my own shell. Today, she succeeded in doing so without any alleged efforts.

Because now I realize that I am not the only one with the   baggage of hurt, even she is.

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