Chapter Nine: When the Gazelle Takes A Leap

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It had been exactly one week since I'd heard from or seen Matteo, and I'd be a liar to say I didn't miss him like crazy. It had taken me a few days to attempt to come to terms with everything that happened, and still I wasn't too sure if I'd fully done so.I took two days out of the office so that I could have time to process a few critical things. Some of which I was certain, others not so much.

For starters, I knew that Matteo and his family had non-refutable mafia relations. Those parts of the particular rumors that surrounded him were true. I was certain about that. What I wasn't sure about was how deep he was into it ,and why people were after him. His family founded and started one of the most successful nation wide banks in America. In addition to that, he held stake in a plethora of other public investments not including what wasn't publicly reported. That much I knew because Forbes was a friend, along with having a brother who owned the largest independent investment firm in the state through which Matteo utilized.

Where things continued to go aloof was figuring out how all of his success got him tied in with the mafia. What could he have possibly did or said that prompted those men to come after us? I knew that I couldn't figure out the answer on my own without him filling in the blanks. One would think that would free up my racing brain from worry, but it didn't in the slightest. If anything it only made my inquisitive nature heighten. Not to mention that I was scarred about what happened with those monsters, and if they would come back to harm Matteo or myself. Scarred that my digging would lead them right to me, and thus inevitably him. My anxiety had simmered down only enough to process things without triggering a panic attack.

In addition to all of that, was an unnerving dilemma: I wasn't sure if I wanted to hear his reasonings or leave him alone for good. I knew I deserved one hell of an explanation as to what in the world happened at that chase. I deserved an explanation about his life (maybe to a limited degree but an explanation nonetheless), and why he didn't think to even mention that he was involved in something that I may want no parts of. We had been together so much, in person or over the phone during the times where he somehow managed to get out of the state, and not once did he attempt to give me inklings as to what he did behind the businesses that he openly owned. At first, I naively sat in contempt of having just that knowledge. Foolishly trusting that if there was anything else going on he'd at least give me some indicator just as forwardly as he'd done everything else. I was obviously, blatantly wrong and nothing seemed to redeem him in regards to that vital observation.

In my relationship troubled mind, the idea of Matteo telling me everything so that I could let one situation go seemed manipulative, and that was something I couldn't look over. On the other hand, I also couldn't automatically label Matteo that way. The look on his face when I told him to let me go wasn't some well-acted expression. If I'd gotten good at nothing over the time that we'd been together, I'd gotten good at reading the little facets of him that were readable at all. I hadn't perfected it, but I was good enough to know that his eyes were the key to his soul if he didn't put up enough fight to hide it.

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