Chapter Six

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My body was rocking from side to side as the buggy began to move again. Jonah held me in his arms, apparently taking the fact I gave him my name as a sign of something it wasn't. But right now I could not find it in me to care much after what happened. I was dirty; I felt dirty inside and out. My face had the stiff feeling you would get when your tears dried uncomfortably. I was also freezing.

When I got on the plane, I had dressed in light-weight clothes knowing I would get hot at some point. However, it also meant I was not clothed well to be riding in such cold weather.

I remember the bodiless voice at the place where I had been held captive saying something about Houston. I thought Texas was warmer than this, but maybe at night it was different.

Looking around I realized the cold weather and how dark it was outside guaranteed I would not run again. At least right now, after the horrible first attempt ended up. Besides, what if more men showed up again?

I really did not think I could trust Jonah right now. I mean, could I trust someone who took part in something like buying another human being? But, whether I could trust him or not, I knew I was safer with him than on my own right now.

"You are very quiet. Are you okay?" His deep voice suddenly cut through the quiet space between us, effectively cutting off my thoughts and making me jump a little. "I am sorry, mine. I didn't mean to startle you."

Instead of answering his question, I wanted to ask him why he kept calling me 'mine' but figured he would probably not answer right now.

My voice came out shakier than I wanted it, "It's okay. I-I just am out of sorts and confused as to everything that has happened."

Part of me wanted to demand answers about what was happening. Part of me questioned whether he was as bad as I thought he was since he had done nothing but be nice and protect me.

I got sidetracked once more when I remembered what I had been trying to do before everything happened. My mind raced a million miles a minute, trying to sort through whether I should tell him. Whether I could trust him. At least enough for this. If they kidnapped the other girl and me, what was to say that they wouldn't do it to the others? A more logical, perhaps more sensible, part of me knew it wasn't smart to wait. Some of them won't even be alive to have anything done if they don't get help fast.

Also, there were men there. Maybe I could convince them to let us go help the other survivors, and the men would be able to save me.

My head immediately shook no, unaware of Jonah watching me with both amusement and concern as I had my inner dialogue. These men could turn into wolves. Jonah had fought men at that place and had fought the men who tried to take me. The men from the wreckage would not be able to do anything to help me.

Stop being so selfish. Whether you can be helped or not is irrelevant right now. They need help, and being alive and held captive with a chance to escape is better than being left to die slowly and painfully.

Ugh. I hated my inner-self sometimes for being so reasonable. I would not lose hope for someone to save me. I would not stop looking for opportunities to escape. But right now, there were over 40 people needing help and who were relying on me- if they had not been found already. As much I hated to say it, Jonah was probably the only way I would be able to help them.

I looked up, barely able to make out his face in the little light provided by the lantern. His eyes kind of glowed a little but I shrugged it off.

I made up my mind and was going to say something to him, but I wanted some answers first.

"Jonah?" A low growl tumbled through his chest at my voice and I jumped, unsure why he had growled or if he was upset at me. "It-it is okay for me to call you Jonah, right?"

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