17. Hot, Hot Chocolate

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After the Game

Because of her inability to smear the image of Christian with the fishnet vampire brunette from her mind - not that it should matter - Mazie didn't linger at the entrance to the stadium to wait for Amelia. The risk of running into Christian was too high. They and their friends typically made plans to go out to eat after the game to warm up indoors and to socialize. One of their friends usually chose the joint and sent out a mass text of the restaurant location.

Clutching her phone in one hand and the camera in the other, Mazie cursed herself for not leaving sooner. The yearbook instructor preferred for the photographers to stay for the duration of the game in case something crazy or cool happened that just had to be photographed. However, most of the photographers left early anyways because the instructor would never know. Now that she couldn't feel her nose or her toes and most definitely not her fingers, she wondered if she could sue the school if she lost a finger or two to frostbite.

Accidentally, she lost track of time when a couple who stayed closely involved with the school board inquired about her mother's whereabouts since she used to be a board member before she resigned overnight, packed her bags, and got the hell out of dodge.

It was really just the icing on top of her cake. First, she witnessed Christian getting up close and personal with a trampy vampire. Then she was grilled by Mr. and Mrs. What's-Their-Name about her mom. Probably her least favorite topic to discuss.

Considering her mom's (mostly) radio silence, Mazie made up whatever answers to their questions.

Yes, she was great.

No, she wasn't unemployed. She worked for a marketing firm which is what she studied in college.

No, she lived on the East coast now.

Yes, she made plans to be back for the holidays.

Yes, Mazie missed her mom terribly.

Barf. Blah blah blah. The entire conversation was agonizing and shot the rest of her frazzled nerves straight to hell. Maybe that was to be blamed for the reason she got a little lippy with a junior high student who wasn't watching where she was going and rammed into Mazie unexpectedly. If the camera wasn't hanging around her neck by the thick Canon strap, she would have dropped it.

"Hey, Mazie, you coming out tonight?" Serena rushed to keep up with Mazie how was high-tailing it out of there.

Mazie glanced at Serena and smiled as nicely as she could manage. "Planning on it!"

Unfortunately, she wasn't being fake enough because Serena caught on. "You okay?" Her forehead creased with concern.

Hiding her aggravation, Mazie stopped in her tracks and reminded herself that Serena was her friend who was just being observant. "Yeah, just a little tired. Can't feel my hands." Mazie wiggled her fingers but they didn't move very fast. Still frozen.

Serena's flushed cheeks only made her look more exuberant and youthful. She laughed and her face lit up. "True that. Taking pictures is treacherous work."

Serena's smile lightened Mazie's mood but couldn't seduce a grin from her in the long run. "Brutal."

Serena briefly touched Mazie's arm in parting, an affectionate goodbye. "If you do come out, I'll buy you a cup of hot chocolate. You've earned it."

Mazie nodded. "Extra whipped cream," she responded as Serena walked away.

Serena laughed. "I'll bring my extra fifty cents."

Waving goodbye, Mazie stuffed her hands in her jacket pockets, balling her fingers into fists. She ducked her head into her soft scarf to barrel through the swarming throngs of people all trying to leave at once. If she didn't hurry up, she would be stuck in traffic for what felt like forever. Turning sideways to wiggle through small spaces to avoid human contact, Mazie made up her mind to go out with her friends since Serena promised her a cup of hot chocolate. Plus, she worked up an appetite trying to stay warm and snap good quality pictures for the yearbook.

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