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When Lucy wasn't in her bed that morning, there was no cause for alarm. Having mostly recovered, she was able to venture about on her own. There was a city full of people out there who'd help her if she had a blind spell, or if her leg pained her. As much as Carter might've worried, as much as he may have wanted to, he knew he couldn't force her to have a chaperone for the rest of her life. Even with Amelia begging him to at least have her shadowed, he wouldn't do it.

The chief had purposefully given Axel to a farming family, far outside the city. The outsider would be more than useful to the old couple -- most of their children had grown and moved away -- and a healthy distance away from his daughter.  Lucy had promised to never seek out her savior, and the young shieldmaiden was as good as her word. But she was crafty. Like her mother, although he'd never dare admit it. Carter had an inkling, slight though it was, that she would find a way to twist the words, seek out the man under some other claim.

But for now, Carter would take a deep breath and relax. If Lucy hadn't returned by dark, then he'd worry. She couldn't have gone far. Certainly she'd never leave sight of the Blue Mountain. Certainly, she'd know just how much they worried about her and wouldn't dream of wandering.

Certainly, he lied to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2019 ⏰

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