CHAPTER 40: Let's go out

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Ari jumps over me as soon as I open the door.

"Oh my gosh, Beth you scared the shit out of me. I'm so sorry. From now on, you are not going to leave alone anywhere."

"Geez...don't get your panties in a twist. I called Kathy and took an extra shift at the cafe. I'll be leaving you in few hours." I inform her.

"What?! No! You are not going to get out today. You need complete rest. Orders of Eric."

Orders of Eric? I scoff. That guy's an asshole. He couldn't even utter a word after his mother and sister gave him a surprise visit. I wanted to dig myself a hole and jump on it. Good thing that Mrs King changed the topic and ushered her daughter to the kitchen. After that things got way too awkward between us. I ate the breakfast, answering in monosyllables and Mrs King offered me to drop me back to the apartment. I tried to refuse, Melanie gave me her puppy dog eyes. I accepted. Period.

"Will you go sit in a corner, watch Netflix and chill? It's only a two hour shift since one of the waitress has to submit some project at her college. I'll be back in a snap." I snap my fingers to prove my point.

She sighs. "Fine. But I will pick you up and then you will be at full bed rest. Got it?"

"Yes ma'am." I salute her and she rolls her eyes at my behavior.

"By the way I like your outfit." She winks at me and walks back to her room.

What? I'm only wearing his white shirt and pants which are huge on my petite body.


I enter my room and drop down on my bed and sigh in relief.

A good bath would help me feel better. I get up from my bed and make the arrangements for the bath. I peel off the clothes and step into the bath tub. I sigh in content.

Nothing is better than a warm, relaxing time in your own space.


It's been two weeks since my supposed meeting with Rick. I'm pretty sure that he must have messaged me a lot of ' I'm sorry' but I don't have that much time to stop working from my busy schedule and reply his apology.

I'm not mad at him. Just upset that he didn't inform me.

I pack up my things, grab my purse and head out of my cabin for lunch.

"Elizabeth." I turn around and see Mr King taking long strides towards me.

"Mind if I take you to lunch? My treat." He gives me a pleading look and I nod my head.

It has become a routine. At least twice or thrice a week, Eric accompanies me to lunch, earning some stares from the other employees, like I care. We talk about our upcoming projects, ideas, meetings, his changes in schedule and then totally random stuff.

We continue eating and make short conversations, when Eric speaks out of the blue.

"Let's go out."

What? I put down my fork and look at him quizzically.

"What do you mean?" I wipe my hands with the napkin.

"I mean friendly outings, like how you hang out with Anna or how you went out with Candice last week. I think I deserve some special treatment too." He pouts.

My eyebrow lifts up. "So you're saying that you want to accompany me to the spa this weekend?"

"A spa? You mean getting massaged by a hot woman? Count me in." He said taking a bite of his pasta.

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