Chapter 12

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  The sun was shining and she always loved the sun. It reminded her of the bright days. She loved the sight of the blue sky, and the fresh air that swayed around this filthy place. The green grass and trees reminded her of the days she used to play in her tree house.

  "Stella come down of that house now!" her mother yelled through the window as she was going through a pile of dishes waiting to be cleaned.

  "In a minute mum," Stella replied tidying her little tree house. She had all her stuff neatly arranged. Her doll house was a small one made by her mum. Although it barely looked like a doll house, she still loved it because it was made by her mother. Her favourite person in the whole world. She owned two Barbie dolls which were gifts given to her by her mum and her neighbour's daughter Cindy. Cindy owned many dolls. Stella loved being invited to her house to play with her dolls. She had a variety of dolls with black, brown, blonde, pink, and even green hair. Both girls would play for hours with the dolls without getting tired.

  "Stella, if you don't come down here now, I am going to come up and get you myself. The food is getting cold."
  "Sorry mum. I will be right there." Stella didn't want to upset her mother anymore. She rushed down and into the kitchen where her mum was waiting for her.
  She didn't bother to ask about the food because she knew what was being served. Another bread and butter with jam sandwich or mac and cheese which she ate almost everyday.
  "Today I have a different treat for you. There you go."
  "Pizza? Yay!" Stella jumped and embraced her mother. She loved pizza. It was her favourite food. She loved it simple, Margheritta. She would eat it everyday of the week if she could.
  "I knew you'd get excited. I did it myself." She flaunted her arms in the air triumphantly wearing a big smile on her face.
  "Thank you so much mum. I love you."
  "I love you too honey. Now eat your food before it gets cold."

  Stella devoured a piece after another barely taking a breath between each munch.
  "Take it easy my lovely or else you'll choke," said her mother as she stroked Stella's fine hair. 
  "It is so delicious. Thank you, mum. Aren't you going to eat some?"
  "Don't worry about me. I will eat when I am hungry."

  Stella knew that back then her mother wanted her to eat all the pizza by herself because it was her favourite. Although her mother knew that Stella could not finish the whole pizza by herself, she still decided to wait for her to finish enjoying the one meal that mattered to her the most. She smiled at the thought of her mum. Tears filled her eyes. She could cry a river at that moment, but she decided not to. It was not the time for tears. She couldn't be seen being vulnerable.

  Andrew sat on the bench admiring the birds as he always did.
  "Hello Andrew."
  Andrew looked at Stella and smiled. It was a half-hearted smile.
  "Well someone seems in a good mood today," said Stella as she sat by Andrew's side leaving some distance between them.
  "B.i..rd" he directed his eyes towards the birds that flew around the trees and landing on its branches like it's the most natural thing they ever did.
  "You do love birds don't you?" she smiled. "Why do you love them?" She asked hoping he can find the energy and courage to speak up. It had been long since he had spoken properly, and she was determined to put him back on track.
  "Would you like me to ask for permission to get you a bird to keep?"
  "Why is that? You love birds, so you must love to have one as a pet."

  She smiled at him knowing exactly what he meant. As much as he loved birds, he never wanted to strip them of their freedom. He wanted them flying around freely singing their happy songs and living their happy lives just like he wished to be doing.

Stella reached out for the phone in her pocket. She tapped the screen a couple of times and then a soothing sound started to play.

  "There you go Andrew. Something to help you relax. The birds chirping right next to you."
They both smiled at each other and sat side by side listening to the chirping of the birds and soothing music coming out of her phone's speaker.

  It was time for the patients to go back into their rooms. They got directed towards their respective wards. Andrew stood up on his feet gazing at the trees afar.

  "Th...a..nk..y..o..u," he said as he was escorted towards his room by one of the guards on patrol. Stella watched as he walked by happily. It was the first time she'd seen him that happy in a long time. That brought joy to her heart. She felt content. It is marvellous how one small act of kindness can make a huge difference in people's lives. 
  "You are welcome Andrew," she said under her breath. "You are welcome."
  Stella walked back into the staff room along with Patrick and Maria, whom she met half way down the road from the garden into the building.
  "Feeling better today Patrick?" Asked Maria fixing her eyes on the group of patients directed into the building. They marched in a straight line each being checked on the way inside.
  "I am good now thank you for asking," he replied.
  "I thought so," she said.
  "Do you need any help with your chores?" He asked.
  "I am good for now. I will call you when I need you."

  She trailed off in the direction of Doctor Steven, who was making his way out of his car holding some files and books in one hand, and finding his way around with the other.
  "I would be more careful if I were you. You know what Maria is capable of," said Stella as she led the way back into the building.

  Scary thoughts rushed through Patrick's mind like electric bolts. He was worried because he was being watched, meaning not being able to access the pharmacy more often, and that wasn't part of his plan. He needed to gain back access. He didn't know how, but he knew that he had to, or else she might die. The woman in the basement might leave him alone and die. He couldn't let that happen. He had to do something or else the work of years and years would go down in vain.

  Stella threw herself on the bed extending her arms to stretch her tired muscles. The white ceiling stared back at her blankly with the same dry look she'd given it. She rolled on to her right and stretched her arm to reach the timber under her bed. This was a routine check to make sure that her papers were still in place.
Her fingers brushed the timber flooring covering the papers. She could feel it budge when it was supposed to be firmly intact. That meant one thing. Someone had been in her room and had discovered the papers. She jumped off and landed on her feet, creeping down quickly and reaching for the papers. She checked them one by one to make sure nothing was taken or lost. The papers seem the way she left them. Maybe I am being paranoid. She can't let anything distract her or get to her. She needed to stay focused. She wouldn't want to be exposed. Every paper was carefully folded the way she left it. The picture was there staring back at her. She even put them in an order to be able to know if someone had been in her room and had tampered with her papers, but they were still in order. She relaxed a bit. The timber must had been misplaced by her. She lifted herself up after securing the papers. She adjusted her skirt with her palms, straightened her long silky hair, wore her fake smile, and left the room.

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