Chapter twenty four

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Maddison's  POV:

"Come, the adventure isn't over just yet." Aiden guides me to his car where we were just only twenty four hours ago.

"Aiden slow down!" I giggle trying to catch up to him, while he takes short but big strides towards the car.

I've always loved Aiden's car, it's a black matte BMW an M2 to be exact which suits his personality quite well. Royal blue interior ran all across the dashboard and sides of the car which gave it a modern look to it.

As usual, Aiden is waiting patiently at my side of the door waiting for me to get in. A smirk is plastered on his face, making me think of what plan he has intentionally made.

"I've seen this face before, and it never ends well." I laugh at Aiden who just sniggers at me playfully. I get into the car and strap my seatbelt in while Aiden climbs into the car and twists the key in the hole making the car roar to life.

We sit quietly in the car, but it's not the type of uncomfortable slince. It gives you a chance to take a breather and think. I think that's what I love most about car rides, the calmness of just being surrounded with your own thoughts.

"The silence, its peaceful." Aiden whispers his voice filling the quiet car.

I look at him, my eyes focused on his face and the way his soft brown wavy hair falls slightly on his forehead.

"It is." I answer, my throat becoming so suddenly dry from being in silence.

"What was you thinking about?" He meets my eyes, his forest green ones boring into mine.

"A lot of things." I answer still holding his gaze.

"Meaning?" He questions further his eyebrows raise up in suspicion.

"Aiden it's really, nothing."

"Just tell me what's wrong." He huffs in annoyance.

Just as I was about to answer him my phone annoying rings in my pocket. I look up at him and he just signals for me to answer it.

"Hello?" I answer into the phone.

"Maddison." The person desperately sighs at my voice. Who is this? I think in my head. Thinking it's just one of them scam phone calls I nearly hang up.

"It's Aiden." The deep voice sounds at the phone.

What the hell?

"What on earth are you blabbering about?" I answer quickly and sharply, if this person thinks that it's funny to mess around with me they have another thing coming.

"Alex, is that you?"

"Yes it is, I need you to listen to every word I'm about to say."

"Okay." I take a deep breath.

"Aiden's mum is very ill and now is being treated at the hospital. I know it's very sudden but she's not been feeling very well for the past three weeks and didn't want to worry Aiden about it."

I begin to panic and my heart beats out of my chest and I can hear a faint ringing sound in my ears, and sweat begins to warm up my hands. Aiden looks over at me and studies my face for awhile.

"Okay, I will tell Aiden."

"I'm going to send the address, get here as soon as you can." And with that Alex ends the call and I just look out of the window trying to come to terms with everything.

"Who is it?" Aiden calmly asks, if only he knew what Alex had just told me he would be speeding down the motorway like no tomorrow.

"Aiden promise me that you won't get angry." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Maddison what is it?" He asks annoyance clearly present in this voice.

"Well." I breath in.

"Your mum has just been admitted to the hospital."

"What!" Aiden shouts and wips his head around to face me.

"Alex was just on the phone to me. But, don't worry he is staying with her for now. But we have to get there soon.Alex is going to send me the address."

"I can't believe this." He runs a frustrated hand through his hair.

We stop at a local petrol station to fill up the tank of Aiden's car. He goes into the shop to pay for the petrol, and I sit quietly in the car waiting for Alex to text.

What's taken him so long?

Alex: Here's the address; Bluegolds Hospital and the postcode is DM168LD."

I quickly text Alex thanks and Aiden returns back into the car with a worried expression drawn of his perfect skin. I hate to see him like this. I'm just scared that he will return to his old self and I can't bare the pain of loosing him when I just about thought I had him.

"Do you have the address?" Aiden's voice comes out kind of croaky and hoase.

I quickly pull out the address and begin typing it into the navigator. Aiden doesn't speak or even look at me doing so and it's kind of worrying me.
Thirty minutes later, we finally make it to the busy hospital, where  people on stretchers and wheelchairs over crowd the place making it manic to find a place to park.

We park the car into the Hospital car park and we pay for a ticket. Aiden pulls my hand into his and circles my wrist and we begin to make our way to the double doors which lead into the reception desk.

"Hey, I 'm wondering where I could find my Mum Aimee Reed?" Aiden goes up to the receptionist who has light medium brown hair that reaches just about to her shoulders and a slight tint of green in her eyes but the majority was an icy blue.

The lady at the desk kindly smiles and loads up all the patients who are staying in different wards. "I believe she's in the yellow ward. If you take the lift to the second floor and turn right she will be there." She smiles and we both thank her and walk towards the lift.

Once we reach the lift I stop and look at Aiden and he looks at me confused. I take his hand and reassuringly squeeze it. "Aiden breathe." I whisper when his shoulders tense up and a hard expression on his face.

"I'm scared M." He looks up at me, his eyes have pain in them and all the hard lines are clearly visible on his face.

I would much rather have all the pain in the world, to not see Aiden like this.

"Everything is going to be okay you have wonderful nurses and doctors looking after your Mum and plus I'm here with you. And I'm not going anywhere." Without thinking Aiden wraps his arms around my waist and snuggles his soft face in the crook of my neck and lets out a heavy breath.

The warmness of his breathe on my neck makes me feel so many sensations but I have to focus on Aiden. I need to make sure he doesn't shy away from what he's feeling and that everyone feels the same way as he does sometimes. 

After going up in the lift, we finally turn right and we see the big yellow sign signaling the yellow ward.

"Welcome to the yellow ward, please press the blue button to seek assistance from the receptionist." 
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