Chapter 6: Who Are You Trying To Fool?

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Willow burst into laughter. This was too much for her. She was too old for pranks like these, what was Rowan even thinking?

Willow had once seen a so-called magic trick on a little girl, on Instagram. It went with the family pranking the girl into believing that she had gone invisible. It was hilarious.

When Willow looked up at Rowan, he had no signs of laughter on him, he looked astonished, shocked, flabbergasted, horrified and every other adjective she could find of the same kind, everything but sheepish. His face was a mixture of all those emotions that Willow's hands itched to paint another portrait of him right there and then, she could click a picture, no no no he'd think her as weird. She didn't want that.

"How old am I?" asked Willow after she was done with her marathon, well laughing did make her as breathless as running a marathon. "Five?"

Rowan blinked. "Are you serious?" Asked Rowan. He must have been dumbfounded by her laugh. She did after all have a weird laugh. She regretted laughing now, in front of Rowan that is, she had an image to hold as a not so weird person in front of him.

"Wait," said Willow. "That's supposed to be my line."

"Felix." Rowan said, suddenly.

"Felix?" Echoed Willow.

"Felix!" Now Rowan hollered. Muffled, came a reply, because of the walls that separated them.

Rowan took a hold of her hand, and let go the very next moment. He looked shocked, she did too. There was a spark, where his hand had touched her. He felt it too, that was for sure or else he wouldn't have let go her hand quickly.

"What was that?" Ashed Willow. She had once read of Static Current, which was a light electrical shock that one felt on toughing someone, that is if the other person had an extra electron, by touching it created a negative charge.

That must be it, and not some romance movie shit, things like that didn't happen in real life. even though some part of her wanted it to be that, that being 'some romantic shit', but the logical part of her knew that was impossible, after all the world was built on science.

"I," began Rowan. "I don't know." He said, staring at his hand and then looking down at her. "Are you alright?" He asked with genuine concern in his eyes, making her heart skip a beat. He looked absolutely sexy.

Well, except for the fact that you are killing me with your sexiness, I'm perfectly fine. She wanted to tell him the truth.

"I'm fine." Said Willow instead.

"Rowan?" Popped in Felix, making Willow jump. "Were you looking for me?" Felix had changed out of his attire of the day, now he was wearing a night suit, silk ones to be mentioned, and here Willow thought that boys slept shirtless.

"Yes," Rowan trailed off, though he didn't look as perturbed as she felt.

"Wait," Felix said suggestively. "Did I disturb you and whatever you were doing?"

"No, what do you think we were doing?" Said Willow. "Right!" She the remembered why Rowan had called for Felix. The portrait. And Rowan denying his eyes being golden. "Felix, what color are Rowan's eyes?"

Felix raised his brow, before turning to Rowan. "What is she talking about?" He asked as if she had just asked him if the sky was brown.

"Willow claims my eyes to be golden." Said Rowan, pointing at the portrait behind him. Felix's eyes widened.

"Golden?" Asked Felix staring at Rowan, his eyes wide open. "I only see eyes, nothing is golden on his face."

Rowan breathed out as if he had been holding it in.

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