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The cursor hovered over the send button, checking over the details. 

This time, I had an account using the name Lucy Pritchard and included the email of the Hawthorn Institution principal. As much as I had nothing against Jason Whitmore, Lucy Pritchard was, while somewhat conservative, a modern feminist with class - she'd never just blame the girl for corrupting the young man. That wouldn't be too classy.

Sorry, Jason, but couples go through thick and thin together, don't they? That's the truth of life - the fluff and romance is just an illusion to hide the nasty trials of love and fate and all that jazz.

Dear Principals,

I was walking along the street Rifton Girls' High School when I noticed two students, a female student from Rifton and a male student from neighbouring brother school, Hawthorn Institution. Attached below is a captured image of the two students, who appeared to be smoking together behind Rifton Girls' High's school grounds. I also witnessed them touching each other in an intimate manner during their rendezvous.

It was highly disturbing to witness such inappropriate behaviours of students from your schools, which have been known for cultivating all-rounded and well-mannered students for many years. This was also shocking to me because I noted that the student from Rifton wore a tie, which I believe indicates that she currently holds a leadership position in the school. I hope that the authorities involved will investigate this situation and ensure that the young of our society will continue to grow in positive ways. Thank you.

Yours faithfully,
Lucy Pritchard

After glancing over it once more, I pressed the send button. 


"Selene! Dinner!" Mom called out.

"Coming!" I screamed back as I plugged my charger into the side of the laptop, turned off the fan and left the room.

I slipped into my fixed spot in the dining room - the spot nearer to the window, next to Sebastian and opposite my parents. The chairs were not labelled or anything weird like that, but for whatever reason, the seating of the family was fixed, and if anyone sat at the wrong spot, they would definitely be ordered to move their ass. It was just a thing that existed.

Mom had come home at early-enough-to-cook-dinner timing, all while complaining and ordering Dad to help out, who was surprisingly home early compared to his regular. My suspicion was raised, but whatever - if they had something to say about it, they'd say it. I looked at the food on the fancy-edged plates. Typical Mom's cooking - definitely healthy, good for not adding more fat to my thighs, but probably not super tasty. The look on my brother's face said he was sharing the same thoughts.

When Mom was done bringing in the final dish, we all settled down to eat, the typical chatter about life and schedules continuing for about five minutes - and then, my parents started sharing glances.

Ah, there it was. Spill, parents. 

"Uh, so, I have something important to tell you two," Dad began as we looked at him and the expectant look on Mom's face, "I got a new role at work."

"Oh... cool?" I responded, giving him the 'what-else' look. Sebastian did the same. 

"It's a promotion and it's a very good career opportunity, but the job isn't in this country," he elucidated, "It's in Dubai."

And I oop-

"And," Mom continued, her voice abnormally gentle, "After doing research and discussing with each other, your father and I think it's best if the entire family relocates together."

Oh. Okay. We were migrating.

We were freaking migrating.

"We're moving to a desert from here?" Sebastian demanded brattily, echoing my thoughts, "What's so good about Dubai? Isn't it just a hot and sweaty desert?"

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