Part 48 - Coincidence and Misunderstanding (V)

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The Voskhod made the bumpy trip to one of the planets Terra. Mitzner was pretty sure the right tertiary 'pulsor unit was cutting in and out. She further determined that the shuttle was doing it on purpose.

They swooped down into the atmosphere and, with no space traffic control to speak of, made their own way to the agreed upon landing coordinates.

The Voskhod slowly came to a less-than-perfect landing in the middle of what proved to be a large cobblestone plaza. At the center of the plaza was an elaborate fountain and there was more than enough room around it to park at least four shuttles.

Surrounding the plaza were a number of decent sized buildings of the kind one would expect from a 0.7-K civilization. They were mostly build in an architectural style that seemed to derive from that of the early Martian Republic. It wasn't anything to write home about but it was respectable for a lost colony disconnected from the galaxy at large.

People crowded all around the plaza, but kept a safe distance until the ship came to a complete landing. Once it settled to the ground a group stepped forward from the throng and approached.

At the front of the delegation was two attractive young people, a man and a woman. The Martian genetic stock had been modified for so many centuries that nearly everyone had the genes for beauty, so "attractive" was a virtual synonym for "young, fit and clean-living". The two young representative wore noticeably thin and tight green-with-blue uniforms and smiled with their mouths but not their eyes.

Behind them, in more professional looking but otherwise identical uniforms, were a group of stiff-backed dignitaries. They all roughly approximated smiles.

The door to the Voskhod hissed open and the Armstrong's delegation got out. Mitzner was first, followed by Ensigns Gul and Anhkbayar. McAfree and Wagner brought up the rear.

The two groups stood across from one another, smiling politely.

"In the name of Government of Man we welcome you to Terra, the homeworld of all humankind, the cradle of all life, and the holy battlefield upon which Armageddon will be fought!" chirped the attractive woman. "We are so happy to see the children of our lost colonies finally making their way home!"

Mitzner smiled diplomatically, which was good because no one else seemed to know hot to react to that.

"Before the historic meeting where your people will be reabsorbed into the Government of Man we have been authorized to take you on a guided tour of the most majestic and awe-inspiring parts of the capital!" added the attractive man. "Everyone is so excited to show you the wonders of your ancestral homeland!"

Wagner looked over at McAfree. Usually in these situations they'd exchange a significant look but she was staring straight ahead, ignoring him.

"We've very happy to be here," said Mitzner. "We're not exactly authorized to make an agreement like that but we'd love to see your city."

"Oh of course, of course," said the chirpy woman. "Obviously at some point your barbarian king will have to travel here personally and bend the knee, but until then we are happy to play host to your ambassadors!"

Mitzner was starting to wonder if McAfree was right about how every away mission they went on was doomed. She briefly considered loading back up into the shuttle but she decided she would just keep her eye out for anyone attempting to get the Ensign to wear a dress.

The was a piercing noise, like two quick blasts from an air horn. Suddenly the crowd surrounding the plaza burst into song.

"Oh look!" said the chirpy man. "Our citizens have spontaneously broken into song out of sheer joy, as they so often do. Let's all quietly enjoy this organic expression of patriotism."

The crowd of people sang an entire national-anthem-sounding song, it was hard to make out the words with so many people singing. Then another. By the third full song it was starting to get very awkward. 

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