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'After the ruckus that Livy created earlier today, I'm amazed Markian went ahead with the marriage, but now I understand why. Someone's pulling the strings here, trying to take me unawares and keeping Livy in that mansion would be a grave mistake on my part. I just need to know who exactly it is. My desires led me here, but I can't let it destroy another kid. I can't trust the sender of this email, but I can't neglect the email was both a warning and a threat.' Judy thought on her way to the Luthel mansion, as she stared at an anonymous email that seems to be the food for her thought.

A bait became the prey, are you confident this prey would become a bait? Don't put another sheep in the mist of wolves expecting for a miracle. Most times, baits gets eaten up without a single scratch to the predator.

Sender: anonymous

A message like this wouldn't bother Judy so much, but for some reason she is concerned.

This wasn't the first time she was getting an anonymous email, in fact it was an email similar to this that opened her eyes to the truth behind her other daughter's death.

Now she is left with no other option but to protect her reputation by keeping her only surviving daughter safe.

Livy is now her only trump card and she is not ready to be careless with her too just for her revenge.

She was feeling very anxious with everything that had happened today.

First, her crown is being threatened at the verc -although it's not the first time- but they are closer now than ever. Then, her daughter disappeared and reappeared few hours before the wedding.

She rushed to Luthel Inc after a random shareholder's meeting was fixed with an impeachment letter ordering her to step down from the position of Luthel Inc Chairman, due to her negligence concerning her other daughter's death and her mental capability to continue.

Then, the moment she got to her office, she got this email.

She can't help but feel trapped now, and she really hope Livy would grow up soon and understand exactly who she is and the positions that awaits her once she was ready and becomes ambitious enough.

She is just unsure how long her enemies would let it be.

Though Judy was in her late-forties, she always looked thirty. But at the cause of all the event that took place today, for the first time she was looking more like her age. She had frownlines and dark circles underneath her eyes.

Her hair was almost in a messy bun now, but nothing a few minutes touch up couldn't fix.

Thinking back to when these all started, she had no choice but to become steel both inside and out if she was going to survive with her daughters.

Power was all she needed and she strived relentlessly everyday to get it, though it came at a price.

Judy didn't say a word to Livy on their way to the Winfrey's mansion, and Livy appreciated that fact.

It was already late to start scolding or asking her why she was so late to the courthouse.

Typical Judy, as long as no harm was done and everything went according to her plan in the end, she would be satisfied regardless the means it took to happen.

"Haven't I told you time and again that crying doesn't answer nor solve your problems, hmm?" Judy asked surprising Livy who didn't realize tears rolling down her cheek.

She quickly wiped it off with the back of her palm and sniffled a little to clear her nose.

Livy couldn't understand why she was crying at this point, she had been doing that a lot lately.

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