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"Are you sure this is going to work?" Kuroo asked you as Akaashi slid the door open just wide enough to peer through, glancing furtively left and right.

"We don't have much of a choice. We can't stay here any longer," you said, turning to him. Light from Tsukishima's torch slivered over his neck, and you couldn't take your eyes off the bruises that welled there, like ink stains on his skin.

"It's all clear out there," Akaashi reported a second later, closing the door quietly behind him. "Do you think they know that we're here?"

"Most likely," you said, shrugging. "But they haven't come for us yet."

"Then they must be waiting for us to leave," Tsukishima said, his tone low and bitter. "Are you sure it's a good idea to split up? I thought you said-"

"I know what I said," you interrupted, not unkindly. "It doesn't sit well with me either, but I think it's best in this situation. As long as the Crow goes after some of us, the others can run. At least this way, someone might get out."

Kuroo moved closer to you, spreading his hands, palms up. "How about I go first, on my own? If I distract him, all three of you will have a better chance of escaping."

"No," you told Kuroo tiredly. "Nobody goes on their own. Akaashi will go with Tsukishima. You'll come with me, and that's final." Kuroo looked at you closely, his features set like stone, but he said nothing else. You had a feeling he didn't want to go on his own either. He was just acting brave - for you, for the others, maybe even for himself. "Kuroo and I will go first. If the Crow sees us, we'll lead him away and you two get the hell out of here."

"What if..." Akaashi began, then seemed unable to finish, his lips quivering softly. You guessed what he was going to say.

"If we get caught, at least the two of you have a chance," you said softly, honestly. "You can get out of the forest and bring back help."

"What if we just get lost again?" Tsukishima said. There was no spite in his voice, just bitter helplessness.

"If you start thinking like that before you even try, maybe you will."

"[L/N] is right," Kuroo finally said, and when you glanced at him, you saw fierce shadows haunting his eyes, and there was a certain steadiness about him. In that moment, you knew you would trust him with your life. "We're never going to get out of here unless we keep trying. If you want to stay behind with Hinata, that's up to you. But we're going."

You fluttered a quiet sigh, and reached out to touch Akaashi's arm. The tension in his face eased only a fraction. "You'll be okay. Remember to just keep running. Whatever you see or hear. Keep running."

Akaashi nodded.

"You ready?" You looked towards Kuroo, and his lips parted with a thin smile that seemed to say as ready as I'll ever be. "Then let's go."

The hallway was pitch black and silent when you stepped out of the room. Your heart thudded hard in your chest, but the noise sounded oddly distant, like an echo, as if it were not your own. You felt Kuroo step out behind you, and whispered for him to stay close. Fingers gingerly gripped the hem of your jacket, and the touch felt reassuring. You couldn't face the thought of being trapped alone in the dark.

As you moved further into the gloom, you silently debated the merits of switching on your torch. You felt vulnerable in the dark, but you also worried the light would attract unwanted attention.

As if reading your thoughts, Kuroo leaned down and whispered against your ear: "Shall I switch on the flashlight?"

You swallowed, undecided, then paused. Something cold and damp trickled over your arm, and for a heart-wrenching second thought that there was something else with you in the dark, breathing on your skin. But then you heard the distant clang of shutters, and realised there must be a window open somewhere.

[1] HOUSE OF CROWS | Haikyuu!! (Murder of Crows) ✓Where stories live. Discover now