Chapter 4

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Rachel POV:

I'm going to the hotel to check in and going to meet an old friend. Who can wipe out my tracks in case anyone wants to find me?

After the decision, I made before the divorce. I'm planning to leave the country and to go on a tour to visit other countries.
And after some time I think I will move to a new place and starts my job as a doctor.

I already bid my farewell to my best friends Kate and Brandon. They were not happy with my decision to move back to San Francisco but they eventually agreed. They got so mad to kill Chris. After what he did to me.

I lied to them and told them I'm moving back but I'm leaving the country. I will send an email to them to explain to them. I hope they will understand and not get mad at me.

It's time for the meeting with an old friend. We planned to meet cafe shop downtown.

"Hi, Dr Rachel" Zack greets me with my doctor name. Zack is ex-army and works for a private security company. He is the best of the best. And my friend and neighbour back in San Francisco.

"Hey, zack" I greeted him with his pet name. We were close but separated soon. He is like a brother to me 7 years older than me.

"Come on, Rachel. Call me Zack" he always hated the pet name.  He is a handsome man with a lovely wife and kids.

"Okay, Zack. How is my nephew and niece" I saw them when I visited California 4 years ago?

"They doing great. Why don't you come home for dinner tomorrow? Crystal asked me to bring you home." He is always afraid of his wife. That, I can't believe it. He usually fights with others cut class and after high school, he joined the army.

"No, As I'm leaving this Thursday. I planned on visiting my godmother to spend some time and visit my partners grave.'' He knows the whole truth as I asked for his help. He didn't stop me but instead, help me move on. He knows me clearly and how strong I am.

"Rachel, I already sold the house and got the money in a new bank account and cleared your records. Also, when you're leaving you on ghost mode no one will trace you back" he tells me the details and gives me the document in a bag. "Rachel, hope you come back soon. Forget that shit husband of yours. You're a great person and someone will love as you do him." He smiles and bids his goodbye.

"Thank you, Zack. Tell crystal I will come and meet her and the kids one day." As I bid my farewell and I leave.

It's time to visit my godmother.

I'm currently driving to my godmother house wish I could come sooner to her. She is always there for me. I'm visiting her after 2 years. Now she is the only family left.

I came to her house rang the bell. Immediately someone opens the door it's his grandson. He's grown up well.

"Hi, you must be Rachel right" what does he know me? I last saw him when he was 11. How could he know me? It's been 5 years I think.

"Hi, you're correct. I'm Rachel. You must be Adam right?" He looks me surprised like seeing a celebrity. Yes, I'm a celebrity that's popular on the news now. Not a good one.
Did godmother tell him? That I'll be visiting.

"Yes, I'm Adam" he leads me to the living room and tells me " Wait here aunt Rachel. I'll call granny" Wow he is polite to the guest. The last time I saw him he was throwing tantrums. He matured a lot.

"Rachel my darling, how long has it been since we met" my godmother Alice comes and hugs me. And I hug her back.

"It's been 2 years godmother" as I tell her. She still looks the same only aged.

After my parents died she immediately took care of me and all the processes that needs to be done for the funeral and everything.

Some felt sorry for me at that time. But, only she and her children looked at me with everything is going to be okay. They never treated me as an outsider.

After I became an adult legally I left them. To continue my dream to become a doctor. And I also needed a place to mature me. So, I left for New York.

"Dear, as I always told you. You're strong and levelheaded. You will overcome this. It's not your loss that your husband left you. It's his." She tells me full confidence and proud face. "Don't you ever forget this?"

Yes, this is what I wanted to hear. Not some bullshit consoling. No crazy talk.

I need a new start somewhere with a new place and people. I need somewhere where I never felt before.

I told her everything. How I gave my child custody to him fully. And left some bitter things and leaving the country.

"Rachel, I'll support you. But, you need to visit your son someday even he hates you." She says this strongly. I know I need to even if he hates me at least I want to know he's okay. "Did you find out why he hates you, there is no way it's simple. Someone could have manipulated him"

I know he is manipulated. But how can I stop if he doesn't listen to me? And no one is there to say Right and wrong. Even, Chris. "Chris loves him. I'm sure of that nothing will happen to him or will be hurt." That I can be sure. It's own flesh and blood.

After some time I stayed for a night and then left the next day evening.

The next day I visited my parents resting place. And bid my farewells and left.

I have been boarded on the flight.

It's time for the next part of my life.

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