Chapter 8-"flying, part 2"

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"Uh.. hey mom, this is Jack's new stepson, Dannon" I shyly said rubbing my arm

Behind me , Dannon huffed hearing the word 'stepson'.

"Oh hello, nice to meet you. Are you here to pack?" my mom asked

"Yeah, we leave in few hours" I mumbled

"Okay well be safe and I love you" my mom kisses my head "I have to head to work now"

"Love you too mom. I'll see you in a few days" I waved to my mom as she walked out of the door.

"So shall we pack?" Dannon asked after a moment of silence

"Oh yea, right let's go." I silently laughed as I ran up the stairs with him following.

When we made it to my bedroom, I pulled out a big suitcase.

"What first?" I asked him with a shy smile  "I've never been to Hawaii I don't know that to bring"

"Well obviously your gonna wanna pack for hot weather, maybe a little wind. Then bathing suits, pajamas, and a couple hoodies just in case." Dannon smiled at me opening her closet.

Honestly he hasn't smiled this much in 3 years.

"Alright you grab the hoodies, I only have two and I'll get the shorts"

After we had that done and I began picking shirts and bathing suits out, and Dannon reached for my underwear drawer.

"Hey! I'll got those not you" I glared jumping between him and the drawer.

"Ooh you don't want me to see your undies?" He pouted

"Of course not." I huffed turning around to face the drawer

I didn't realize how close they were, when I turned my back side rubbed against his front. We both took a sharp breath and my chest tightened.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled moving to his side instead.

"You okay?" He asked

"I'm fine"

and I was, once again I didn't feel my anxiety rise or feel like I was having a panic attack. All I felt was safe.
An hour later I was packed, and we rushed back to Dannon's house so he could pack.

"You excited?" He asked me with a small smile as we pulled into the  drive way

"of course, its my first time going!" I squealed jumping out of the car.

 He followed suit as we both rushed inside, the house seemed to be in a rush besides the three  sitting on the couch.

"you all packed?" Lily asked her scooting over for her to sit on the arm, out of reach.

"yes it took forever, especially because someone kept trying to peak at my underwear." I sent a glare to Dannon

"Hey! I didn't do anything, I was just trying to help you pack." he smirked then turned on his heel towards his room. 

"I'm so ready to be there already! think of all the cute boys!" McKenna squealed running into the room with a huge suitcase following her. 

Hero Huffed beside me and I sent him a side glance, 'what's bothering him?' I asked inside my head.

She and Lily started talking about boys just as Max waddled into the room a big grin on his face as he ran towards Anna-Kate. 

"Anna! Are you going to take a picture of me in Hawaii?" he grinned as he tugged on my jeans.

My heart started beating fast as the anxiety rose. 

"No Maxy, Anna doesn't take pictures anymore. Maybe she will sometime in the future." McKenna gave him a small smile pulling him off of me.

"Why not?" he asked innocently

The room all looked at her, he's just a kid. 

"Well, my dad taught me to take pictures. He used to tell me, 'a picture is worth a thousand words', But me and my dad aren't really friends anymore. So I don't take pictures because that is what made him happy, and I don't want to make him happy if we aren't friends." I tried explaining to him.

"My daddy isn't here anymore, I wish he taught me to take pictures" the little boy frowned 

"Well maybe one day I'll be able to." I gave him a small smile. 

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Dannon had came into the room at some point, he also had a noticeable frown on his face. 

"Is everyone ready?" Jack walked in with a big grin on his face, clearly not noticing the tension.

"Yes of course lets go!" Lily yelled getting everyone's attention.


An hour later we were all sitting on the airplane. I was on the aisle seat towards the front, there were three seats per row.  On my right sat Dannon and next to him sat Tyler, on my left across the isle sat Oliver and Lily. Behind me were McKenna and Hero, and on their left sat Jack, Lena, and Max. 

"I don't think I can do this." I groaned throwing my head back.

"Hey, you got this. Just close your eyes and relax I promise it is all in your head." Dannon said giving me a comforting smile as he held the camera up to my face. 

First it started off slow, then the plan sped up. My stomach started twisting and my heart started beating fast. I squinted my eyes shut trying to relax like he said but it wasn't working. Based on instinct my hand shot out and I grabbed ahold of Dannon's. Instantly my heart started calming down and the plane slowed. 

"See you did it" Dannon said as I opened my eyes

"Thanks" I smiled slowly let go of his hand 

Behind him I could see Tyler grin and look towards the window. Weird.


The landing of the plane was the same as the start, terrifying. This time Dannon grabbed my hand. We exited the plan only to be welcome by girls in short sleeve button ups and hula skirts.

"Welcome to Hawaii! We hope you have an amazing visit!" They said in unison as they put Leis around everyone's neck.

The hotel wasn't far from the airport and it was on the beach, which made everyone excited. Once we were in the lobby and checked in, Jack handed everyone keys. 

"okay the teens have their own suite with 3 rooms, one room has 3 beds and the other two have two beds" Lena said 

"Yay all of us girls call the three bed!" Lilly said excitedly

"yes, Hero and Tyler can bunk, Dannon and Oliver can bunk" Lena grinned 

Oliver groaned but followed Dannon to the room 

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