Chapter 18: Heart pounding

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----------Ohai. Sorry this update took a few days, I had a brain cramp. Therefore no chapters for nobody. Anyway, keep calm and carry on <3----------

"Levi Levi Levi!" Emmet rushed out as he ran up next to me, huffing. I raise an eyebrow, straightening my backpack strap on my shoulder.

"What? What was so important you had to say my name three times?" He puts up a finger, catching his breath.

"G-gage says to wait for him, don't leave yet." I nod, giving him a strange look as runs off again. Boy needs to lay off the juice for a while. 

I walk out of the school and lean against the outer wall, watching everyone come and go as I wait for Gage. Watching the guys kiss their girlfriends, smiling and giving goo-goo eyes to each other.

Sometimes, I wonder what it's like to be straight. How it feels to be attracted to girls and breasts and all that. Would it be better? Would my life be easier if I wasn't...if I wasn't gay? I can't help but wish I was straight every once in a while.

Very rare, but I do. It would be easier for me, wouldn't it? I wouldn't have fallen for Gage, Wiggins wouldn't hate either of us, and I wouldn't have to worry about society and gay haters and what not. Some people kill guys just for their sexual orientations. Meaning gay guys. I have to think about these things, and it makes me wonder if I would be happier straight.

"Levi, thank goodness! I thought you ditched me for sure." Gage says, coming up behind me and smiling. I smile back, not letting my thoughts show on my face.

"Come with me, quickly. Hurry up, you don't have any hustle in you do you?" He snickers, grabbing my hand pulling me along. I fake scowl at his back, shuffling behind him. I get an idea, and kick his foot making him stumble and narrow his eyes back at me.

"Who's got no hustle now?" I giggle and he rolls his eyes, taking me around the back of the school building behind a dumpster, pushing me against the wall.

"Be still, okay? Don't make a sound." Gage whispers, the mood changing instantaneously, leaning forward with an intense look in his eyes. What has gotten in to him? 

Suddenly his lips are on mine, my eyes snapping shut and my knees going weak. His lips were attacking mine with such force I almost fainted! I reached up, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing back just as viciously, mouths connecting and pulling apart, the lust rolling off of him making me shiver all, the way, down.

His fingertips graze down my spine, making me arch into his body. He loses a little more control as  our chests and thighs touch, because as soon as they  do he wraps both arms around my waist and pulls me against him, my whole body flush with his. His hands rub up and down my back, pressing different parts of me against him as he pushes himself against me at the same time, eliciting a whimper out of me, my heart nearly pounding out of my chest.

Then he pulls away, dark green pools of lust sending flaming shots of desire through me.

"Mmm, Levi, you have no idea how much Wiggins' restrictions turn me on." 

"W-why?" I ask breathlessly, and he smiles.

"I'm a rebel through and through, baby." Ho-ly hard on. Well, thanks for giving me a boner. Really. 

"What if I just took you right here, Levi. Right behind the school, hidden by a dumpster?" He asks, pressing me against the wall again and nipping my neck, causing me to gasp and bite my lip so I don't yelp. I scowl, panting and needy.

Why does he get to have all the fun? I smirk, leaning forward and grinding roughly against his manhood,and he lets out a choked gasp, hands fisting themselves  in the back of my shirt and his head dropping to my shoulder. 

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