III. Motueka

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"You are late", An overbearing presence spoke through the door, "and she is not happy".
"She isn't going to like the rest either", Randall whispered backward to the other three as the door swung open.
A cavernous hall opened up for them, purple clay walls and shiny wooden floors awaited them as they stepped inside.
To the right, behind a grand high table, was a fireplace, raging away into the night.
Straight ahead was a dining hall, where two dozen men and women sat eating at tables, chattering in a language unlike any in Gossfordshire.
Randall's stomach grumbled aggressively.
Thatcher's eyes moved to the man behind the door, his pants short and ripped up the hamstring, no shirt, and cropped hair. His body from head to toe was covered in tattoos, designs she'd never seen before.
"Come, upstairs", The guard who opened the door pointed them toward a corridor to the left, just before the dining all.
He led them forward, through the main room they'd entered into, and toward the corridor.
Up a short flight of stairs, they entered a hallway, and two doors up they stopped.
The man knocked once and opened the door.
"They've arrived", He spoke into the door. 
"Thank you, Riwai, I'll be fine alone", A soft female voice spoke from inside the room.
Riwai waved the Gossfordshire party into the office, and they shuffled through. Riwai shut the door behind Thatcher.
A woman sat behind a desk, around her shoulders was a thick cloak made with peacock feathers. Her hair was long and flat, a golden brown color. She was no older than Ritty, Thatcher observed, with the kind of skin that shimmered gold in the flame flicking on the wall.
From the bottom of her chin to the bottom of her nose was covered in ornate tattoos resembling the carvings around the door.
"I'm not happy", She spoke matter-of-factly, "For two reasons, do you care to know why?".
No one spoke, all of them having noticed the fact that her guard hadn't moved from outside the door.
"One", She stood, and her hair fell behind her back, "we meet at the beach, at sundown. It is after dinner, and you are on my doorstep", she took a step out from behind the desk, careful not to set her head alight on the torch on the wall next to her.
"Two", She continued, "you are woefully light on what you said you were bringing".
"There's going to be a deficit for a week or two, but it will be made up", Randall watched her carefully, noticing her chest rise and fall with each deliberate breath she took.
She stopped and noticed Thatcher standing in the back.
"I've not met you before", She moved through Sinclair, Kodi, and Randall, to Thatcher standing against the door.
"Thatcher of Gossfordshire, Maam", Thatcher held her hand out, but the woman ignored it, and instead moved to press her nose against Thatchers.
Awkwardly, Thatcher stood, not knowing how or when to react.
The woman pulled back and stood.
"Ruataupare, Leader of the Motuekans, Second in Command of Te Miriona Whero".
Ruataupare turned and strutted back to her desk, where she waved Thatcher into a chair in front of her. Randall sat quietly, leaving Kodi and Sinclair to stand behind them awkwardly.
"Where's Maya?", Ruataupare looked to Randall skeptically.
"She is being held in custody, on suspicion of murder and high treason", Randall scowled.
Rautaupare shifted in her seat, "The old woman?".
Thatcher nodded in confirmation, pursing her lips.
"I don't like being surprised with new faces, councilman", She squared her eyes on Randall firmly.
"Our King died, forty-eight hours ago, we were taken by surprise too", Randall responded dryly.
"I'm sorry to hear", she sounded genuine in her words, "Is that Mayas doing?".
"No", Thatcher cut through before Randall could offend the leader more, "We elected a stand-in, the kings' son, but he was murdered last night".
Ruataupare stared through them for a second, leaving Thatcher feeling slightly uneasy.
"Sounds like Gossfordshire is having a time of it, right now", She swallowed and gave a solemn look.
"Whoever killed the kings' son also destroyed the food parcels harvested throughout the kingdom", Sinclair spoke, his deep voice quivering slightly.
"Right", Ruataupare closed her eyes and listened.
"It's going to take another two weeks for any vegetables to be harvested, and at least a month before we can present meats", Kodis voice filled the room.
"A month?", Ruataupares eyes snapped open, leaving the whites of her eyes exposed.
No one dared speak, footsteps outside the door putting the fear of death into the four Gossfordshire councilors.
"That's nowhere near good enough", Ruataupare put bluntly.
"We're out of food as well, we brought what we could spare as goodwill and even then, it's not spare - we need what we're handing over", Thatcher placed her hands on the desk.
Ruataupare observed her, noting the desperation in her voice.
"I'm not waiting a month for food".
"What'd you have us do?", Randall hissed angrily, "Starve our kids to feed yours?".
"Butcher the meat early!", Ruataupare leaned in, her nostrils flaring.
"The pigs are gestating, you want us to sacrifice the renewability of our farms to keep you happy?", Randall asked again.
"Watch your tone!", Ruataupare wrapped her left hand around a staff leaning against the window behind her.
"Are you threatening me?".
"Enough!", Thatcher turned in her chair to face Randall, "The three of you, leave".
Kodi looked down at her, Sinclair shot her a filthy look.
"I beg your fucking pardon?", Randall's pupils reduced themselves to slits.
"I said 'get out''", Thatcher pointed to the door.
Kodi looked to Randall and looked back to Thatcher.
"If she says she's got this, she's got this", Sinclair slowly looked back to Randall.
A few breaths and Randall stood.
He glowered at Thatcher, leading Sinclair and Kodi from the room, the door slamming shut behind them.

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