chapter 3

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Sorry it took awhile, I don't have a lot of motivation and update very slowly. Also, this is not edited. Enjoy!


So I realized that Daniel is in most of my classes. Just what I need, a creepy guy staring at me 24/7. From school, I walk to the bookstore. I look forward to working every day. I take out my iPod and put my headphones on. On my way to work I get a few honks. It’s either my friends or creepy old men. I’m used to it though. I get to work in no time. I’m a little early, so I decide to read a book I’m on right now. I’m right in the middle of the book. There’s a fight scene on a pirate ship. Natalie is the main character who was taken back in time. She’s starting to like the captain. The book is basically about how she learns to word fight, falls in love, and tries to get back home. Anyone who reads this would want her to stay with her love. I, on the other hand, would like her to go home in the end. I don’t know why but I’m never satisfied with happy endings. It just doesn’t seem possible. There are never really happy endings. Once I finish the fight scene, I change into my usual working clothes. Technically, we don’t have uniform. We just have to wear more dressy things. I just wear a long black skirt with a long sleeve, white shirt.

            Suddenly, it hits me. That strange feeling you get when you’re being watched. I look around but I see no one. I come from the back to the front. I clock in and go to the cash register. There are not many people since it is Monday. I look around, hoping Travis isn’t working today. Someone bumps me and laughs. I look over to see Miss Cozzell. She’s a very old woman but acts like she’s twelve.

            “And how are you, little missy?” She says.

            I grin.

            “Quite alright. And you, Madame?” I bow like a gentleman.

            I hear her giggle while I straighten up again.

            “So how’s business today?” I ask.

            She rolls her eyes.

            “Slow as usual.” She says less enthusiastically.

            I sigh.

            “What’s wrong, butterscotch?” She gives me worried eyes.

            Did I forget to mention that she loves to give me all kinds of weird names? Some are pretty funny.

            “You’re looking a little down.” She says.

            “Not really.” I lie.

            She stares at me for a few minutes. She grabs my arm and lightly tugs.

            “Aw, come on. Tell me. Tell me!” She whines.

            I just give her a stern look.

            “Please tell me. I won’t leave you alone until you do.” She says stubbornly.

            “Nope.” I shake my head.

            “What if I guess? If I guess right, you have to tell me.” She says.

            She starts to guess before I can even say anything.

            “Let’s see…,” she thinks for a moment. “Are you a secret agent?” She asks.

            “What?” I say, surprised.

            “No, you’re too clumsy for that.” She answers her own question.

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