Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Cadence had a lot of time to think about what she had done

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Cadence had a lot of time to think about what she had done.

She had released Kazimir, the one thing the Founders had sealed away in fear. Even then, it had taken the combined efforts of all four to seal Kazimir, not kill him. How was she supposed to fight Kazimir if he wished to take over her body?

That's right, Cadence, Kazimir said. Keep the thoughts coming. I love to hear what you think of me.

You lied to me, Cadence said. Everything you said, everything you promised, it's untrue.

Well, they didn't call me the master of manipulation for nothing. You should know better than to trust some spirit in a bottle.

You used my emotions against me. You convinced me to trade your freedom for my father's life.

I said I would free him from his pain. Technically, I upheld my part of the bargain. It was fun seeing you blame yourself, Cadence. I'm the master of Walkers, bending your weak will into sealing a deal with me was easier than folding my pinky finger. Have you ever considered that everything you have done, every person you have killed, might have been a result of my meddling? I saved you from your silly suicide attempt at the Great Wall. I control you, Cadence, whether you like it or not.

Go to hell, Cadence said.

Remember this, Cadence. Soon, you will not be able to distinguish my choices and yours. I won't advise you completely, just give you a little prod here, a little nudge there. It's small, but it's sufficient.

Dewas damn you, Cadence screamed at him. You manipulating sadist!

When you become a potential vessel, I'm certain you won't think that way, Kazimir said. I shall fill your body with the raw power of a true Walker, not the watered-down hybrids you call yourselves these days. Walkers, pfft. You're nothing more than humans able to manipulate shadows. A real Walker does not fear darkness, they call upon the darkness like a friend and bend it to their will. After all, aren't shadows and darkness cousins?

Kazimir's voice vanished from her head when the door of the dungeon swung open.

"Get up." It was the same men who had dragged her from her cell. "Time to go back to your cell."

Cadence wanted to fight, but her body refused to perform anything that would inflict more harm on itself. She hung as limp as a weed from their arms as they towed her back into the cell. They took off her blindfold and shackled her onto the ground.

"See you in the morning, pretty."

Laughing like drunk hyenas, they locked up the cells and left.

She finally understood what Nabiha had meant when she said there was no escape. Even with the men holding torches, she had no energy to even pull out the slightest wisp of shadow to pick her locks.

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