Chapter 4

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"So who are the most eligible bachelors around here" I ask Rose and Julia during lunch the next day.  They actually seem nice to talk to and it lets me have some Scarlett's has been occupied.

"Well there is Tyler who is sexy and a great dancer." Rose starts to gossip
"But the big prize is Nathan. He is clearly the sexiest man in this pack plus he is a Beta" Julia adds in.
"Not to mention he is so mysterious and a real challenge to get in bed with" Rose says.

"So you guys haven't slept with him?" I question.

"Not yet" Rose says with a wink
"Were hoping he just needs more time since his mate passed away and then he will be willing to sleep around" Julia continues.

That gives me some hope at least.  I leave lunch with a smile on my face feeling a little more confident.

Alpha Zac planned a strategy meeting now that Alpha Sam and Alpha Aiden are arriving. He wanted to get started right away on our plan since Jax could attack us any day now.

I walk into the conference room inside of the pack's prison building.  I walk in to find Zac and Nathan sitting next to each other while Scarlett and her father are conversing. Liam and a few other warriors are also joining.  

I sit down near Nathan who gives me an angry scowl which I try to not let that affect me.  The last people to enter are Alpha Aiden and his Beta, Grayson who I recognize from my training.  I recall Alpha Aiden is three years older than Alpha Zac. His pack is slightly larger as well and known for their loyalty and power. 

I could feel the alpha power radiate off him as he enters.  He also looks even more attractive then the pictures I studied. I feel my wolf also acknowledge his attractiveness.  I hear someone clear there throat which gets me out of the trance.  I see Aiden smirk at me which I then lower my head in embarrassment.

Alpha Zac starts the meeting immediately expressing how important his preparing is to protect his mate and Luna of his pack. 

"Sam has told me his warriors have studying the weaknesses of every pack. Rylee can you share your findings on my pack"  Zac says while staring at me.

My eyes widen that he called me out to share the flaws of his pack. I know Alphas are very proud wolves so they would not want to know what they are doing wrong.  I look towards Alpha Sam and he gives me a reassuring smile. 

"So from our research we found your biggest weakness is the northwest corner or your territory."

"That area is filled with steep cliffs that no one would dare to cross" Nathan interrupts me.

"Well that is not quite true. My team took a training to try to pass that area and we found a clear path that any skilled werewolf could manage".

Feeling to afraid to look at Nathan, I stare at Zac instead who looks angry.

"We didn't cross your boundary Alpha Zac. It was just to tell our theory".  Alpha Zac accepts my reasoning and nods for me to continue while Nathan let's out a low growl obviously not happy with me.

"We also found that your training does not consist of any silver weapons or help to build resistance to silver while we know Alpha Jax's pack does include this in their training"

I feel Nathan getting more tense near me. I decide to look at him which is when I see the raw angry in his eyes while he looks at me.  I look over to Liam right after to get him to cover for me. Since we have worked together for awhile our wolves have bonded enough to be able to sense each other.

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