Chapter 10 - Intro to Anxiety

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"So, let's begin, what questions do you need help with specifically?"

Ashley flipped the paper around and showed me the front and back, both sides were blank. I raised my eye brows and tilted my head.

"Okay..." I chuckled.

"Yeah, I know, it's bad. Im really good at remembering a list or court cases, but I can't remember what they were about."

"It's fine, we'll just have to drill it into you."

I looked down at my paper and flared my eyes, that didn't sound right.

After thirty minutes we had the first side done.

"Okay, now give me your paper."

She handed it to me and I put it behind me. I began to list off questions and she began to answer them. We spent another ten minutes until she got every question right and then I gave her paper back and we started on the second side. I heard a noise from downstairs and looked up from the paper and stared at her in shock.

Suddenly a deep and familiar voice rang out, "Ashley! Where are you?"

I began to hear shoes slapping the steps and my heart began to race a little bit.

What will Jackson do if he finds me with his sister?

She stood up and grabbed my shoulders and pulled me up, I stood up and she pointed at the closet and quietly demanded, "Go!"

I was super surprised but rushed over and stepped in anyways. I barely fit and there were a lot of clothes so it was hard to shut the sliding door.

I heard knocking on the door and then it opened, "Hey, who's here?" Jackson said.

Oh, shit my truck.

Ashley stumbled over her words a little bit, "Oh, uh, that Truck on the side of road?"

"Yeah, whose is it?"

"Oh, I don't know maybe it's the neighbor's... Their driveway was full when I got home."

"Huh, yeah, I think I've seen it before, it's almost in front of our driveway."

I exhaled a little bit and breathed through my nose, I got a good whiff of perfume from Ashley's clothes.

Wow that smells really good...

Now's not the time to be a creep!

"Ok, well I'm gonna go take a shower, Danielle wants to go back to her house."

"Oh, that's why you're here, okay, well I'll see you later." I heard the door shut, closed my eyes and felt a weight lifted from my chest.

Suddenly the closet door opened and I almost had a heart attack as I gasped. Ashley bucked her head with her index finger in front of her lips.

I blushed a little bit with the strong scent of her perfume and sight of her her cute, but serious face.

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