Chapter 15:Strange Encounter

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.I'm out of that horrid room. I shuddered at the thought of being with all those boys for even 10 more minutes.

"Hey, wait up." I turned around to see Philip running towards me.

Okay, this will be interesting.

"You think that little crap you pulled this morning was funny? Huh?"

Philip said menacingly through gritted teeth clutching his fists at his side.

"Oooooh, I'm sooo scared." I say mockingly waving my hands for effect.

I had no idea where this confidence was coming from but I'll just go with it.

"Well you'll care when I teach you a lesson you'll never forget."he said and moved to grab my shirt and began to drag me towards the janitors closet.

"Hey! What are you doing? Let me go." I said struggling against his firm grip.

He didn't say anything, he just continued on dragging me.
He opened the door and roughly pushed me in. He then walked in and shut the door.

"Have you gone mad? Open that door right now." I yelled angrily.

"You know if you wanted my attention so badly all you had to do was ask." He said in a husky voice.

"Who the hell would want your attention." I asked glaring down at him.

"Don't deny it. Your Obvious Flirting was all the proof i need." He said and took a step forward which made me take a step back.

Wait, this idiot took me making fun of him as flirting? Gross! Even the mere thought of it is enough to make me gag.

"Woah Woah Woah! Back up. You took me teasing you as a sign that I like you or something?" I asked with a raised eye brow.

"Well, do you?" He asked and I might be wrong but it seemed like there was a trace of hope in his tone.

"" I said and took a little step back.

"I see." He said in a low tone and stared at the floor for a moment.

"You know what, whatever." He walked out of the closet and slammed the door.

Wait, did that mean that Philip liked me? I hope not because The thought makes me sick.

"Philip, wait!" I said running out of the closet in order to catch up with him.

I caught up and stood in front of him so I could look him straight in the eye.

" you like me?" I asked

He was quiet for a while, he just stood in front of me, glaring at the floor. "No. Why would I ever like someone like you." He scoffed with a glare and walked past me but not without shouldering me in the process.



"Mom, Dad, I'm home." I said and dumped my bag on the couch.

I heard mom's hearty laughter coming from the dining room. She's probably with dad or Luna.

"April, look mom got me a new video game." Jake said running towards me and waving the game.

"Awwwww, that's so cute." I cooed and pinched his cheek.

"There's nothing cute about zombies and robots." He said, trying to sound menacing but he sounded really adorable. He ran to his room but not before shouting, "They're not cute."

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