Chapter Ten

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The days after Christmas turned into weeks. The weeks to months. It was now the first few signs of spring. The nip in the air wasn't as cold, and flowers began to peek up through the dead surface of the ground.

Brahms had finally let me out of my room. I was now allowed in the sitting room for most of the day. Brahms spent more and more time in the walls, and often times wouldn't come out for long periods of time. Sometimes, I wouldn't even see him all day.
I didn't complain I occupied myself with books, art, and sleeping. My days were lonely, but I managed to entertain myself with my hopeless imagination.


There was a knock on the door. I didn't make a sound in fear that Brahms would come out of the walls and kill whoever was at the door. The knocking kept coming, and curiosity got the better of my conscious so I slowly got up from my seat and peered out of the window that overlooked the front door. My mouth dropped open when I saw who was standing there.

"Sandy" I breathed. Without thinking, I rushed to the door, and pulled it wide open. "Greta"! Sandy screamed, "thank God you're alright"! I hugged her, fresh tears fresh tears seeped out of my eyes and fell on her coat. "Come on", she said sternly "we're going home".

I opened my eyes. That was the fourth time I've had that dream this week. If only it would come true. I missed sandy so much, I often thought about her and my nephew Morgan. I wondered what they we're doing, and how their holidays went. I sometimes worried that they had forgotten about me. If Brahms hadn't of destroyed all of the phone lines, I could at least be able to call Sandy from time to time. Just to hear her voice.

But it's better if I didn't. It would be too hard to hear her and talk to her knowing I'll never see her again.
Shut up! You will see them again! You're going to get out of here, and kill that bastard so he doesn't hurt anyone ever again. My inner thoughts were getting more and more violent about Brahms. The more I thought about him, the more I wanted to kill him. At this point getting away without killing him was a failure. He had to pay for what he's done to so many people. He had to pay for what he's done to me .

I quickly went upstairs to my bedroom, and felt underneath the pillow. The screw driver was still there. a crooked smile formed on my lips as my fingers brushed against the tip of the tool. I had hidden it when Brahms cut the ropes off of my arms and left the room. I made sure that, that screwdriver would be the one thing in this house he couldn't take away from me.

I heard movement downstairs. Brahms must be out of the walls. I ran down the steps and into the sitting room before he could see I wasn't there. He walked in a few moments later holding a tray of food.
I crossed my legs and kept my eyes cast downward. Brahms set the tray in my lap before sitting cross legged on the couch next to me. I scooted away from him slightly, repulsed that he was even near me.
Brahms didn't take the hint however, and put his arm around my waist before pulling me onto his lap.

The tray of food crashed with a loud bang. The sandwich he had made for me was flattened on the floor in a sticky sloppy mess. It didn't phase me, I wouldn't of eaten it anyway. My body was as stiff as a board on his lap. His hands roamed all over my torso giving me goosebumps. I hated this. I hated him.

He nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck and began to sniff me. I placed my hands on either side of his head and lifted it up to face me. "I'm tired", I said flatly. Brahms' eyes through his mask grew darker. "I don't care". He growled, and continued to manhandle me like an object. "Don't touch me"! I yelled. My temper had been tested enough, he didn't scare me anymore. If I had to die, I wouldn't fight it. The only sour thing to come of my death was the fact that Brahms wouldn't end a likewise demise.

Brahms stood up, causing me to fall off of him and onto the floor. He leaned down to my level. "You already know what I've wanted from you Greta. I've tried every way possible to get it. I don't take no for an answer so if you won't give it to me voluntarily, I'll just have to force you to".

I knew what he meant. He wanted to rape me. I hugged my knees to my chest and hid my face avoiding him entirely. He stood up, and walked out. A distant groaning noise of the walls told me that he was gone.

I was frozen in my spot. After all of the questions, and all of the confusion I now knew why Brahms wouldn't let me leave. I can't stay here any longer. The next time I see Brahms, I'm plunging that screwdriver into his throat.

I'll have to get him before he gets me.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 300 READS!!! I'm absolutely in shock over the amount of love the book is getting! I hope you all have enjoyed it so far, chapter ten is a game changer.( I kinda wrote this chapter in a rush so if you find a mistake, please comment so I can fix it) Thank you for reading, expect a new update by Saturday!!

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