Chapter 29. Awakened

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When I woke up in the morning everything felt different. I felt renewed and strong. There was definite pain between my legs, but it wasn't a bad pain. It was a pain that made me long for more. I would never get enough of Michael.

The strength I felt seemed to buzz through my body.

Do you feel different? I ask Lilith.

Yes, little one, becoming one with our mates seems to have literally strengthened us. Lilith replied. She was over the moon that we had finally mated.

I played around with some spells that I knew, just to find that even the ones that used to drain me came easily. This gave me hope, real hope that we could truly win against Jackson!

Michael and I spent the morning together. We didn't bother getting dressed. We did go for a run so our wolves could connect, being mated let them communicate between themselves.

After lunch we took a nap together, after exhausting ourselves further. I would never tire of being with Michael, the need just seemed to impossibly grow every minute. I wasn't sure how we would ever function in public again.

When I fell asleep I started to dream, but something felt different. As if I was in control. I tried to picture the woods, and I was there. It was hazy beyond a 20 foot section around me. I walked around a bit but there was nothing else.

Since I had conjured the forest, I closed my eyes and focused on my parents. All of the sudden I smelled cedar wood and frankincense. I opened my eyes to see the man from my dreams. My father! Tears immediately filled my eyes.

"Don't cry my little Noel!" Orion said as he rushed to my side. He engulfed me in a huge hug. A hug that was second only to my mate's.

"Is this real?" I ask blinking away tears. I felt like it was but I couldn't be sure.

"Yes my dear. I'm guessing one of your powers have manifested. The ability to converse with the deceased. By your neck I'm assuming you've newly mated." Orion explained, a blush creeping to my cheeks, but also confusion as I didn't understand what it had to do with anything. "When white wolves become one with their true mate it awakens their power. There are other ways but it takes time."

"So you knew I was a white wolf?" I ask sheepishly.

"Yes. Your mother and I hid our relationship, and you from the council because we didn't know who to trust. We were scared and just wanted you safe. Jackson tracked us down before we made it to our safe house though. I am so thankful you escaped!" My father explained, pain and regret evident in his eyes. "I was killed that night. But your mother was not."

This shocked me, I opened my mouth to ask but no words came out.

"I think alpha Jackson has her." My father said with a dead tone, anguish flashed on his face. His mate was captured by an evil man and he couldn't do anything about it.

Everything around us started to brighten, the fog was lifting.

"You are leaving now, waking up, just be safe, Noel. Know that I love you, I always have, and I'll be watching over you. I know your path is hard, but you are strong! You can do this! Oh! Tell Thomas, I'll beat his face in if he hurts Amy!" My father finished with a chuckle. He engulfed me in another hug and kissed my cheek before whispering, "I love you."

When I opened my eyes I was back in the cabin. Michael was crouched over me with a concerned expression.

I excitedly explained what happened and he chuckled. After the excitement faded it was replaced with sorrow. My father was dead. I would only get to know him in my dreams. I was thankful for the gift but it also made my heart ache with the loss.

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