Chapter Nine, Part Two - Secrets, Lies, and Alibis

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"Well, from what I know, the Ice Queen isn't exactly known for good politics. It's more like she's a dictator. Or the kid with the magnifying glass. She rules the Unseelie with a pretty hardcore fist. And the Dark Fae – her subjects – are usually nothing like the Light Fae."  

            "Geez – just how many names do the Fae have anyway?"

            "The Unseelie equals the Dark Court which is filled with the Dark Fae. The Seelie equal the Light Court which is comprised of the Light Fae. Get it?"

            "Yeah, I got it," I replied in a grumbling tone. "So why are we out here again?"

            "Because of you and Dean," she answered, stepping closer. "He committed suicide and that's forced certain people to notice. And these same people have also noticed you."

            "What's that mean?"

            "Tamsyn, you aren't the only special one in Harbor. There are others like you – not just like you, but they have gifts too."

            "I'm sorry – this is a gift?"

            "It could be," she retorted, looking vexed. "Your power doesn't have to be such a bad thing. You can use it for a lot of good. Do you know how many people would kill to be in your shoes? To be different? To be special? To be noticed?"

            For several seconds a tense silence reigned supreme as the guilt weighed even heavier. Lana was right. Here I was, with this ability to find the truth and I had barely given a thought towards using it on purpose. Lana wanted me to use it to save people while I did my best to ignore it as much as possible. I didn't have to like it, or even pretend, but I could at least be appreciative it wasn't something worse, rather than carrying on like a spoiled, ungrateful child.

            With a sigh of resignation, I pasted a small smile across my face.

            "And who are these... people? The ones who've noticed me?"

            Lana visibly relaxed.

            "They're called The Society – I know, how original right? But they're people from our school, and they protect it. They keep the Humans safe and out of their business, and at the same time they also keep each other in line. It's kind of like a whole, intricate checks and balances kinda thing."

            "And are you in The Society?"

            I watched as Lana pursed her lips and sniffed, looking more affronted than if she'd just been insulted.

            "Well no – not exactly..."

            "Then how do you know about them? I mean, you're Human, right?"

            Lana stood a little straighter

"True, but I can also see the Fae. So they find it acceptable to call on me at times."

"Riiiiiiiiiight. Well, what do they want me for?"

"I've been begging The Society for weeks now to take a look into the suicides, but they've pretty much ignored me. Until now. Now that Dean is dead..."

"They have no choice but to pay attention," I grimly filled in.

"Right," Lana replied with a nod. "And that's where you come in. They want your help... and your alliance."

Faetality |✓|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora