Chapter 6

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"Turn left here."

"There is no left turn here you idiot!"

"Well it's not my fault Zayn gives shitty directions." Niall retaliated as Liam and him bickered back and forth on how to get to Zayn's house. We were currently driving towards London and it was buzzing with people. That was until we got towards the edge and it turned into the sketchiest neighborhood I had ever seen. Graffiti on the walls, broken bottles and glasses scattered around, foreclosed stores, you name it.

"Ha! Found it! Told you it wasn't a left turn!" Liam said, earning a groan from Niall. Harry hadn't lashed out on them yet, which I was pretty surprised about. I think he's just keeping it all bottled up in case he has to use it on this 'Zayn' guy.

"C'mon. You're coming in too. I don't trust you out here." Harry said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the car; something I had gotten used to, to the point where I'd just stick it out for him to grab. He walked up to the door of the run-down apartment with heavily worn brick on the sides. He placed a heavy knock on the door which led to some groaning from the inside. It opened up after multiple locks were undone, and in front of it was a man with dark brown, almost black hair and dark eyes.

"Ello mate, what brings ya round 'ere?" He asked as he waved Harry and the rest of us in. Once inside, I saw Zayn was heavily tattooed just like the rest of them.

"You know what I'm here for." Harry said grumbling while still hanging onto my wrist. Zayn's gaze shifted from him to me, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Well what ya got here? Another fuck buddy?" He said gesturing towards me and chuckling. Harry pulled me behind him slightly glaring at the man.

"No. Peeping Tom here thought she could get away with seeing us rob a jewelry store and go tell the police. Made sure that didn't happen, so here she is with us; plus I'm going to need your help on a little project with her a bit later." He said making my eyes go wide at the possibilities that could mean. Zayn then raised his eyebrows and licked his lips making me feel like I was about to lose my stomach.

"Got a place I can store her while we talk business?" Harry asked as if I was a dog, and Zayn nodded his head.

"Follow me. I'll meet you lads in the kitchen." Zayn said as he replaced his hand on my arm where Harry's used to be. He pulled me up a flight of stairs before unlocking a door and looking in.

"Can't wait to figure out what the little project he wants help with is." He said while eyeing me up and down causing me to glare and turn away. I could feel him staring at me for a couple more seconds before Harry yelled from downstairs to hurry up, sending Zayn out of the room and locking the door behind him.

The room had a small twin bed in the corner and a heavily stained carpet. It also smelt a little bit like a sweaty gym locker. Walking over to the opposite side of the room I could see a small slit of light coming through the window, but it being heavily boarded made no possibility for a decent view. Scanning my options I decided laying in the bed which actually looked to be the cleanest part of the room, was my best bet.

After about 2 hours of just laying on the bed staring at the ceiling, I heard footsteps come up the stairs. I didn't want to deal with whoever it was, so I pretended to be asleep. It usually worked,but they came inside anyways.

"Got the equipment?" Harry asked gruffly to Zayn who mumbled something back I couldn't hear. The door opened quickly and a bag was the thrown down before someone took a seat at the end of the bed. They rummaged through the bag and next thing I felt was a sharp poke into my arm. I tensed up immediately, the boys cackling. I opened my eyes and saw Harry standing next to me, feeding some fluid into my arm and Zayn at the edge of the bed with a needle thing I couldn't describe.

"What-What are your doing?" I asked frightened as I sat up slightly.

"Well we have to mark you as one of us, don't we?" Harry smirked making my head spin in confusion and my eyes start to flutter close.

"What?! N-no!" I yelled back as my head began spinning even more. Pretty soon I felt myself being pushed back towards the bed as I began seeing three of Harry and two of Zayn.

"Don't fight it Madeline." He said as I plopped back down on the bed and drifted off to sleep, leaving them to continue whatever their little project was without resistance. Damn them.

On The Run ~Criminal Harry Styles~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz