Chapter 14

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My tears blurred my vision so I couldn't quite clearly see who it was but listen to his voice I knew Arjun was the one who slammed the door open.

"Tanvi", his voice called out for me. When he looked at me he immediately removed his blazer and draped it around me. I was a crying, a sobbing mess. He immediately turned to the men and with the help of Roshan started beating the hell of out them. With every punch or kick I  would wince and cower down.

It was scaring me. I clutched on to the blazer as I cried.


Arjun's P.O.V.

She looked beautiful today. In the peach lehenga. Everything was just perfect about her. The way she got along with some of my partners, the way she danced and the way she laughed.

It had been quite sometime since she went to the restroom. What was taking her so long? After 5 minutes of pacing here and there, I finally decide to go and search for her. Roshan came along with me.

I couldn't spot her in the restroom, maybe she went to our room. As I was passing by the store room I heard someone scream. Or rather I heard Anvi scream. I immediately slammed the door open and what view was in front of me, made me see red.

The she was crying and thrashing against the men as they assaulted her. She only had her strapless bra on. I immediately  removed my blazer and draped around her before moving over to the men and punching the shit out of them. I don't know for how long this went on until I heard Sonia call for me.

"Arjun! Stop this! S-She needs you", I immediately stop dead in my tracks and look over at her with guilt filled eyes. She doesn't even look up as her head is in her hands as she continues sobbing. I kick the man one last time before I walk over to her. She flinches when I'm about to touch and I feel a pang in my heart.

"Hey, it's just me, Arjun", I say as I slowly reach over and take her face in my hands and tilt it so she could see me.

"A-Arjun...", She says before wrapping her arms around me tightly and crying. I wrap my arms around her as well and help her stand up. She stumbles when she takes a step ahead. I immediately hoist her up and carry her out of the room in bridal style. Roshan is dealing with the guys as they wait for police. I'm so going to kill them for touching what's mine.

I settle her down on the bed and go to the closet to get something comfortable for her to wear. She continues to cry and everytime a sob escapes her mouth, my heart breaks even more. I wasn't there when she needed me. God! Fucking kill me. When I come out, I see her making her way towards the bathroom slowly.


"I-I need to take a shower ", she says before walking over to me and taking the clothes from me before heading inside the bathroom.


Tanvi's P.O.V.

I head straight to the shower not bothering to remove my clothes. I turn the faucet on and start scrubbing my skin.

I wanna run all their marks away. Those disgusting men. I start crying as I scrub my body. My arms. My neck. My face. My back. Everything. I just want their marks to go away. I don't know how long I stay there scrubbing and crying.

"Tanvi", the frantic pounding on the door start.

"Tanvi, you've been there for an hour, come out or I'll break through"

I want to say something. But I can't. I just keep sobbing. After a few minutes of pounding, the door burst open. I even forgot to lock it. In walks Arjun and he immediately steps in the shower and wrapping his arms around me. Cocooning me.

"Stop it Anvi, it's ok", he whispers in my ears.

"I... I just want to rub their hands away. Wherever they touched me. I want to erase it. From my memory. From my body", I say as I kneel down with him kneeling besides me.

"Oh Tanvi, you're gonna hurt yourself. Look at yourself. Your skin's become red from the amount of scrubbing" he says taking the scrub from my hand and gently caresses my face.


I sat on the edge of the bed as Arjun looked at my bruised hands and my back. He applied cream and then sits in front of me. His hands clenching and unclenching. His jaw was clenched. I could tell he was angry. My shaky hands found their way towards his face and I held his warm face in my cold ones. He on an instant closed his eyes.

"I feel so sad for not being able to save you from this experience", he says sincerely.

"You don't have to be sorry about anything. You didn't know a-and it's ok", I try to tell him.

"But I could've prevented it", he raises his voice trying to prove a point.

"And you did Arjun, you did", he sighs before hugging me. After what felt like hours he finally helped me lie down which was kind of difficult due to the back ache.

He went over to the other side and settled himself down on the bed before putting his arm over my waist and sleeping.


When I woke up I realised I was in a dark room. My hands were tied around my back and a cloth was tied around my mouth to gag me.

When I looked around, I realized I was the only one in the room. Or the only one alive in the room because I saw a body lying on the floor. A dead body. He seemed familiar. Too familiar. I choked on a scream when I realized who it was.

No, no, no. This can't be happening. He can't die. I won't let that happen.

"Miss us, little angel?", Two voices call out and that is when I lose it and start screaming.

Hi guys

So I know it's a short chapter, but honestly my homeworks have been increasing and if I have to keep updating daily, it can be a little tiring.

Anyways I thank KrystalS2456 For voting. I've got over 50 votes and I'm so happy.

Me stressing over my AS Level exams:

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