Chapter Twenty-Four

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Isla sat on her bed reading her ancestor Emily's grimoire. There were so many spells and incantations in the book that they were starting to bleed together. Otha had instructed her to practice more defensive spells so she was trying to concentrate on that, but after tonight's training session and Otha's demanding that she mate with Paxton and Grey in two days' time she was having a hard time focusing. Her mother, grandmother and Edie were at the coven hall informing the other witches that she was in fact an orb. Arlo opted for a sleepover with Zoe, her best friend and Stevie's younger sister.

That just left Isla home alone to focus and prepare for whatever threat was surely coming according to Otha. She put the grimoire down and laid on the floor. After uttering a few Latin words, Isla began to float. She felt the pressures within her slowly start to dissipate and she smiled. It seemed like just yesterday, all Stevie and her worried about was Homecoming and Ravenswood festivals. But here she was now with two mates that she needed to sleep with in the coming days because everyone's lives seemed to depend on it. Then there was the admission by Grey that he himself wasn't a virgin. The thought of him giving what was hers to some other girl angered her. Images of him with Selah popped into her mind and she floated higher.

Isla had no idea that her two mates were standing on the roof outside her room watching her in awe. They had no idea that Isla was currently envisioning something slap Grey. So, when a tree did that very thing and knocking Grey off the roof with a loud thud Isla quickly opened her eyes and righted herself. Paxton stepped into the room laughing his head off.

Grey, though disheveled, followed shortly. "What the heck, babe?" Grey said shaking leaves out of his hair. "I'm sorry." Isla said angrily and then shook her head. "No, you know what I'm NOT sorry! How could you sleep with someone else?" The question was out before she knew it and in that moment she wished she could take it back. 'This is what I get for not memorizing the spell to rewind time.' She thought to herself.

Paxton took a seat at her desk knowing this was a conversation that they clearly needed to sort out. Grey reached for her hand but she folded her arms across her chest. Grey sat on her bed with a sigh. "Isla I wasn't always a good guy. Hell, I don't consider myself one now. My dad was Beta of my old pack and we were a large one. It came with certain attention and privileges that I let get to my head. I was stupid to not wait for my mate like most people do, but I was even more stupid to think me not waiting wouldn't hurt you." He reached out for her again and this time she took his hand and sat beside him. "I'm tired of hurting you. I want to be the guy that you deserve, but it's going to take time to reconcile all the shit I've done with all I want to do for us." Isla looked down and played with her fingers. "How can I compete with those other girls?"

Grey pulled her chin up to face him and pecked her full lips. "There's no comparison because you will forever be the best I've ever had. No one compares to you." Paxton nodded in agreement as he took a seat on the other side of her. "I'm blessed to have had all but one of my firsts with you, babe. But I know what it feels like to be in love with you. You should trust Grey. He means what he's saying and I can vouch that you're simply the best."

Isla smiled at her mates and kissed them gently. "I don't want to be emotional and insecure. There's just a lot going on right now." Grey and Paxton exchanged a look. "Like what?" Isla sighed. "For starters, every witch is learning that I'm this generation's Orb. Otha is adamant that I study hard on defensive magic in preparation for some crisis that no one cares to give me more information on. Also...Otha wants us to mate...this weekend." 

Paxton knew if he were drinking something he would have choked. "What do you think about that?" Grey asked cautiously. "We have to do it. He literally said our lives depend on it." She rubbed her hand across her face. "You know I agree with Stevie in that it is weird how we all just talk about sex and mating so casually in the supernatural world."

Paxton tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled. "It is natural, babe." He said placing a kiss on her neck making her moan. "We love you and want to show you." Grey added nibbling on her ear. Isla's senses were being overloaded. "Pax...Grey...what are you doing?" She asked breathily as they both moved to cup her breasts. Isla moaned again before coming to her senses and getting up.

Her breathing was ragged while the matching smirks on her mates face showcased how pleased they were with themselves. "You two are terrible. I think I liked it better when you didn't like each other." Grey chuckled. "No you don't." Paxton pulled her down onto his lap and nuzzled his face in the crook of her neck. "I have an idea. I think it'll help take away the pressure of us mating, as well as, provide some stress relief for you during these uncertain times." Paxton said with a grin that Isla knew only meant trouble. "What's that?" He sat up to face her. "I think you should do a spell that will link us all and that way Grey can join us in our dreams." Isla looked at her mate and thought on it. "I do know of a spell that will link us. It will allow us to feel one another, but I don't know about the dreams. I think I can add an element that will add Grey to our dreams."

Paxton and Grey both looked pleased. "How come you and Paxton could dream about each other and for so long?" Grey asked. "It's honestly a mystery. Obviously, it's because we're mates." Isla offered. "But you and I are mates too and I didn't get you hijacking my dreams when I was 13." Paxton could hear the slight sadness in his voice. "I think it's because witches and vampires have a unique relationship. Vampires have been seeking out witches for as long as they've existed. I think that has a lot to do with it." Grey nodded.

"Come sit on the ground," Isla instructed as both boys sat cross legged across from her. "Isla grabbed their hands and told them to grab one another's hands. She began the spell as soft winds whipped around the room. They all could feel a burning sensation take over their bodies. "I think it's working," Grey whispered as Isla continued to chant in Latin. In moments the wind had settled and the burning sensation was now like a low simmer. "We should be connected now," Isla smiled. "We will be able to feel one another and hopefully will be able to share dreams among the three of us." The boys nodded as they heard chatter downstairs.

"Isla! Come downstairs we've got a lot to discuss!" Her mother yelled and the deflation within her could be seen a mile away. "Guess I got to go deal with more orb related madness." But Isla made no effort to move. Paxton stood and raised her to her feet. "I love you, babe. It's going to be okay because we're going to get through it together. The three of us can literally do anything."

She smiled slightly and gave him a kiss that seemed to pour all of her frustrations and fears in exchange for his hope and reassurance. Grey caressed her cheek when she moved over to him and gave her a gentle kiss that seemed uncharacteristic of him. "I love you." She whispered an I love you too before heading downstairs to talk. She wanted nothing more than to be young, naïve Isla who worried about dances and made Stevie laugh by floating feathers in the air.

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