Chapter IV

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Chapter IV ─ A Sigh of Relief

[ M I C H A E L   G R I F F I N ]

I wiped the sweat from my forehead as I sat on a bench in the locker room. What an exhausting, yet surprising practice this was.

I gotta hand it to my teammates, they held their ground and practice didn't turn into a massacre. They behaved like normal people, shocking both Noah and me. We had decided to play a match against the West, much like our last proper football game.

We ended up winning, naturally, I loved the look on Bryan's face when I beat him. I smiled to myself as I reminisced the short-lived moment of victory, his features were tense, his expression angry, yet emotionless, glaring daggers my way.

I meant it when I said I wasn't going down without a fight when it came to him. If he wanted to act like an angry piece of shit at every waking moment of his life then so be it. If Bryan wanted to play rough, I'd do the same.

"Hey, Michael!" A voice hollered through the locker room and I focused my gaze on the direction that it was coming from. I quickly recognised that the voice belonged to none other Jordan Might, my trusty linebacker. Behind him stood a couple of our teammates and surprisingly the halfback from West. "We're going out for food, you wanna join us?"

Just what were my teammates planning? They stayed civil throughout the practice, but now they were inviting their enemies for lunch? I raised my brow in curiosity and crafted my response. "Nah, you guys go ahead, think I'm gonna meet up with Ash."

My response earned me a smirk from Jordan and I immediately rolled my eyes, he needed to get his mind out of the gutter. "Gonna hit it, huh? Forgot about bros before hoes?"

"Jordan, it's not like that, I promised her I'd see her after practice today, get your mind out of the gutter, you know I'm not one to break promises." I lied, truthfully, I didn't have any plans of going out with Ash today, but I didn't want to hang around the guys today either. I had enough headaches in one day.

"Aight, aight, we're goin', see you tomorrow." Jordan patted my shoulder and the group made their way out the locker room.

I let out a brief sigh and took out my phone my locker. I unlocked it and immediately went to my messaging app, swiftly finding my girlfriend's number.

Are you free? Sent, 4:32 PM.

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