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Hi this is my story i hope you'll like it so from where i should start............
Okay lets start from when i saw her for the first time....OH sorry i am talking about the miracle the girl who changed my life.
2007 when i joined my new school and on my first day of school when i entered in class and everybody was like(HAHAHAHAHA)
Actually i was a lil tall......Actually a bit to much tall.
So when everyone was laughing at me there was a girl who laughed like crazy i hated her i was hurt she use to irritate me all the time then we went to 6th grade i started talking to her she was not that bad as much as i thought she was nice we became friends we started talking daily on social apps we became real good friends and i felt i use to talk to her that i felt a connection and i thought that i should propose her while being in 7th grade only and i had thoughts of marrying her and live life with her.......PLEASE DON'T LAUGH
I was a kid and the most important thing i was in love so one day I SAID her that i love her she said NO!
She blocked me i left the school it was hard for me to accept that my best friend blocked me i cried that day i cried a lot and tried to kill myself by drinking surface cleaner but it didn't worked i was in hospital when i came home i made a fake account of a social app to talk to her i messaged her and promised i'll never ever irritate her by saying that i love her...BUT after sometime i proposed her again she said NO because i am in a relationship i was broken inside out i locked my self i cried for 4 days i use to hit my self she was getting to my nerves i decided to talk to her i called her and said i love you understand my feelings she said if you are written for me i'll be yours just don't force things and wait for the right time i said OKAY
she said i am going to block you because i can't love you it'll be good for you and me i begged i requested and i cried but she blocked me..
Sorry for the 2 rupees suspense 😂
Then i moved on correction i lost all the hopes but i still loved her then one day i was just scrolling and i saw a friend from school i sent her friend request she accepted by the way she was in 5th grade with us and fortunately she was my love intrest's best friend to so i thought she'll tell me whats good with her life i asked HOW IS SHE she said WHO?
I said you it really well she said yeah she's fine i thought you don't love her anymore........
I was crying and laughing from inside who is she asking me if i still love her or not i never stopped loving her i loved her from the core i love her from the bottom of my heart i asked can i talk to her she said i'll try and the next day she texted me she in on call she'll talk to you..............
i have a question for all of you who is reading this WHAT IS MIRACLE?
It is when you don't expect things and god gives you out of know where GOD IS GREAT❤
It is the next day the day i have been waiting for from 2/3 years she texted hiii i said heyy we started talking i cried didn't tell her because of the day and night i spent without her i was having a happy breakdown she said lets meet we went to a mall and that day she said i know no one loves me more than you but i don't love you...
But i will love you by the time it was 21st of february and she said yes for my proposal and said this is a commitment not relationship i was okay with anything just knowing the fact her name is with me after 4 days on 25th of february we were in a relationship and commitment both and from that to to this day we are together we are strong lot things happened in between we fought we loved we hugged we walked we fall we stood up it has been one year and she loves me like no one else will ever we are happy ALLHAMDULILAH ❤
This was my one year story hope to see you next year with new experiences but the same girl for sure.
MORAL:She was right wait for the right time and things will get into places she was in trouble when we were not together she was facing hard time she is strong and i want all of you to pray for us and our relationship HOPE you guys will get your love of your life sooon

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