Strange Guy

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"Round them up!" Jasper shouted as he pull the reign of hia horse.

His red hair sways with the wind.

"Commander, the leader of the bandits escaped."
The man said.

Jasper sigh and look at the mountain.
"Can't let that man escape. You round all of this shits here while I go up and grab that asshole."

"Sir! You are from a high noble clan, you can't talk like some barbaric men!"

"Soldiers are more rougher than you think then." He said and give the man a snort before he drove the horse faster.

"Urgh! I can't stand him. Why does he always talks like that? He pisses me off." The blond guy pouts and snorts too.

"You are a vice Commander of this team because of a favor. Not only the captain, no one likes you." Seige said laughing.

"Shut up, commoner!"

"Yes, your highness." Seige smirks and left the childish vice captain who got easily scared at fighting but got really cocky when ordering people around.



The bandit's leader run up the mountain as fast as he can. Who knows that the soldiers will be nearby when they attack the nearby village. And all of the soldiers, it is the group lead by the infamous general who fallen from disgraced, the Red Ripper that said to make the kids stops crying with his golden sharp eyes.

Stumbling, rolling and running, the bandit's leader feel his lungs bursting in pain. He take a deep breath for only a minute and he hears a horse neighing to his direction. Seeing the bloody red hair that is very distinct from the greenery around the bandit runs without hesitations.

He came across a plains without any trees to hide and look back.
The  bandit unsheated his sword.
Jasper smiles wickedly and unsheated his legendary sword that is rumored memento of the hero who killed the demon king in the past.

"Fight me." Jasper jumps from the horse and provocatively steps toward the bandit.

The bandit gulps down.
In the feat of fear the bandit rushes to Jasper and made a careless swing full of strenght.
Jasper easily dodge it and give the man a back elbow. The man fainted.
Jasper looks around and sheated his sword back.

"I unsheated my sword for nothing." He scratch his head and tie the man with a rope.


Zenzur looks up while counting his steps. His gloomy and sad fewling vanish as he feels the cold and refreshing air.

"I am the demon king~ Who soar up in the sky~ And bring---my people peace and love. I am the demon king~ I am the symbol of fear~ I am the demon king and everyone is safe."
He merrily sang the song he created in his childhood for his father. He smiles as he remember the happy smiles of his citizens. He remember..Taru. His bestfriend. His little crush and his sole confidant.

He stops and look up in the sky.

"Silly guy." He said reminiscing the past.

*horse neighing*

Zenzur looks after the horse sound.
From a far he saw a man in a horse (filtered the man who is tied and following the horse by foot). His hair is fiery red that sways in the air and his face is handsome. That sharp golden eyes, that pointed nose, that lips. The demon King's senses are quite better than average human so his eyes got captured by the mesmerizing being infront of him.

His heart beats so fast.
That his ears turns deaf and
His throat turns dry.


Jasper got down from the horse and look at the beaten bandit boss.

Demon King Is a Loyal Wife of The Human Knight Commander (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now