Chapter 41: Scared

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❀ Azalea❀

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❀ Azalea❀

I rub my eyes with the back of my hand as I take out the keys to get into the mailbox of the complex.

Good Lord, Grey kept me up all night last night.

I pull open the box and go through the mail. Mostly they're all in Grey's name but there are a few magazines in my name.

I do a double-take when I see the University of Tennessee letter. I rush back to the apartment, walking as fast as my legs will let me.

I bust open the door like I'm in the S.W.A.T and Grey jumps spilling some of his coffee on the counter in front of me.

"Oh my gosh! Did I scare you?!" I smile happily. I can't believe I actually scared the unscareable.

"Ain't scared me," he grumbles unhappily, wiping the coffee from the counter. I place the mail on the counter beside him and then hold up the letter. His dark brown eyes trail over the envelope.

"I'm scared to open it," I tell him honestly. What if I don't get in? And if I do get in, I start so soon, a couple of weeks actually. That's terrifying to think about.

"Yeah well I'm scared to see your reaction once you realize you got in so let's get this over with," he motions for me to hurry the heck up. I open it carefully and slowly lower my eyes to the words.


I fall to the ground and I start to cry.

Since I was little I always wanted to go to UTK and now I finally can. Now no one is stopping me, not dad. I feel Grey's body slide down onto the floor next to mine. He pulls me up onto his lap and hugs me tightly.

"I'm proud of you, Azalea," he wipes the tears from my cheeks, "you deserve this."

I sit up, wrapping my arms around his neck. I can't believe I've gotten so lucky. I have Grey and I'm going to college. This is everything I've ever wanted.

"Oh my gosh!" I pull away from him, "I need to tell Mr. Terrip! He's going to be siked!"

I throw my jacket off, hot from all the celebrating I've done in the past two minutes.

"Okay, I've got to go to work and do paperwork from the past two days," he kisses the top of my head.

"I'll come see you after talking to Mr. Terrip," we bid goodbye and I decide on taking a nice, calming bath to hopefully calm myself down from my hyper episode.

Before the bath though, I have a concert in the bathroom mirror. Then I stare at the letter while in the bathtub, effectively making the bath almost an hour long.

Once I'm out, I dress myself and decide on braiding my hair. Once I'm finished, I start the drive to the book store.

I get giddier and giddier just thinking about what his reaction is going to be. He's known for years that I've wanted to go to college.

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