Chapter 29- My family

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Riley's POV

I looked at my beat up, bruised brother who was be lying on the couch. "Who would do this to him?" I covered my face and silently cried. He looked so bad. His hair was all over, both of his eyes were a purple bluish blackish color, his lip was busted, his nose was bleeding, he had dried up blood all over his face, there was a gash on his head. While everyone was just sitting around, I went and grabbed the first aid kit along with a bowl of water and a rag.

I dipped the rag in the water and started cleaning the blood off of his face. I took some peroxide and cleaned all of the cuts on his face before stitching up the deep ones and placing a bandage on the shallow ones. I grabbed a pillow and laid it under his head and placed a cool towel on his head. When I looked up everyone was staring at me.

"What?" I asked confused and wiped the tears off of my face. "Where did you learn to do all that?" I shrugged. "My adopted mom used to be a nurse and I grew up watching her practice so I picked it up an learned how to do it but that doesn't matter, I need to find out who did this to my brother." I knelt down next to him and lightly shook him. "Come on Jake. Wake up for me. I'm your little sis and I need you right now. I need you to wake up. Please." I basically begged when I said please. Colton came over to me and rubbed my back. His lips brushed against my ear. "Don't stress out to much." I looked at him and glared. "Don't stress out to much? No I'm going to stress out because I have lost lots of other people before, I'm not about to lose one of my brothers to. So don't tell me not to stress out." He looked at my eyes and I ran out of my mom and dads house and sat out front on the porch. I leaned my head down so I was looking at my thighs.

I just pulled a bitch move didn't I? I did. I heard the front door open and someone sat next to me. I was pulled into the persons arms. It was Colton of course. "No Colton." I pushed him away. "I'm sorry about what I said. I kinda flipped out on you." He looked down at me then his eyes flickered down to my stomach. "I know your hormones are all out of whack with that little one growing inside of you." He gave a light hearted smile. "I am not just going to say that It's this ones fault. It was mine." Colton pulled me into his side and I leaned my head on his chest. "Why would anyone do this to my brother?"

"I'm not sure princess but we will figure it out okay?" I nodded and pressed my lips together. "I should go back inside." He nodded and kissed my cheek. I smiled and walked back inside and over to Shane. "Come here." He said to me and I sat down next to him on the couch and hugged him. "He will be okay right?" I asked. Mom and dad came over and sat down with Shane and I. I looked over at Colton who smiled at me before him and Victoria left the room.

Shane let me go so I could go over to Jake. I pulled up a chair and lightly shook him. "Please wake up. We aren't going to call the hospital just yet." I pushed the hair out of his face. "Please just wake up. I don't want to lose you to." I laid my head on the arm of the couch.

I guess I had fallen asleep because when I woke up I was tucked in on a couch and Colton was sleeping on the floor. I looked over at the clock and it read 4:21 am. I rubbed my eyes and started to feel sick. I rushed to the bathroom and threw up. "God this sucks." I said to myself and flushed the toilet. I washed my mouth out with mouth wash. I walked back out to the living room and laid down on the floor next to Colton. I ran my hand threw his hair and he sighed and pulled me closer to him in his sleep. I kissed his forehead and cuddled into him. I just want my brother to wake up. I want him to be able to meet his little niece or nephew.

I couldn't sleep so I snaked out of his arms and went out front and sat down on the swinging bench. It was cool. I rested my hand on my stomach and closed my eyes. It was five in the morning. I heard someone sit down on the bench and I opened my eyes quickly and saw Cason. "What do you want?" He looked at me and gave me a small smile. "I wanted to see you."

Bad Boys and Love|✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ