The aftermath

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Almost twenty-four hours later:
I have forgotten the day we met. It must have been two years ago. Maybe three. Somehow I can't pinpoint the exact moment anymore. You'd think I'd remember. Looking at her now, I almost feel ashamed that I don't. Her curls in my hands like little strings of satin wrapped around my fingers. Her eyes looking up at me. Soft even now. Like the edges of her mouth. Curled slightly upward as I stroke a stray curl out of the way. A million thoughts shoot through me at once.

'Calliope?' she reaches a hand toward my face. When her fingers touch my cheek they send a shiver down my spine. In the absolute best way. If I'd know her touch would bring forth all of these sensations. I would've let her do it years ago. I would have remembered her.

'What's on your mind?' Her voice even softer than her brown eyes.

'Just you.' I whisper back. A gentle smile forms on her face. She closes her eyes for a second and already I miss them. It's ridiculous how fast I have fallen. How much I dread leaving her. I wish I could go back in time and make myself remember.

'Don't do that,' she interlaces her fingers with mine and presses a kiss against the back of my hand. Another shiver shoots down my spine. I allow myself to enjoy it. 'Don't go inside your head. You always do that.'

When she uses words like always it makes this regret I'm feeling even worse. It only points out the undeniable fact that she has never forgotten me. At the same time it feeds this burning desire I have to be close to her.

'Tell me a secret.' I try to distract myself from our goodbye. Her eyes twinkle under the early sun. A soft breeze lifting up some of her flowery perfume. Softly teasing me with it.

'A secret?' She shifts slightly in my arms. 'I kept a drawing of yours. You threw it out and I took it. Kept it. I have it stored away in a box under my bed.'


'Is it not obvious?'

'Calli.' Her name tastes sweet on my lips. She must feel it too. Her eyes will me to lower my head. Lower it all the way to her and I do so, obediently. Till I'm hovering in the most uncomfortable position but it's worth it. I take in her perfume before I close my eyes. Letting the world go dark and spring full of live when my lips press softly against hers.

A day. I met her on one particular day all those years ago. It must have been a day like any other, like today. It took a day to meet her. A day to know her. A day to lose her.


So this story is writing itself in my mind. Calliope, in Greek mythology; one of the muses. It seemed like a fitting name since this story is completely inspired by someone in my own life. I find most of my inspiration for stories in people. Do you guys have this too? Invent stories around people?

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