The dynamic of us

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Before 17.30 – Part 1
Her eyes widen when I get back with two pairs of roller-blades, holding the hot pink ones up for her. Her mouth falls open and closes several times before a gasp finally erupts from them.

'Just try it.' I say while clasping my own pair of green blades shut. Strapping my feet in tightly and wobbling back and forth doing so. My unsteadiness might have just given her the confidence she needed to participate as she sits herself down on the sidewalk and trades her flats in for the most stylish blades I've ever seen.

She hands me her flats and I put them in my backpack alongside my own sandals. She tightens the laces and gets to her feet, grabbing my arm with both hands.

'Alright Maxi. Where do we go from here?' She grants me another one of those soft smiles and a warmth comes over me that has nothing to do with the burning sun.

'Trust me?' I hold out a hand.

'I might as well.' She puts her hand in mine and we slowly move forward. Up the sidewalk all the way toward the park where the smooth terrain starts to turn a little rockier than I'd hoped for and I feel her grip on me tighten which I can't complain about.

We're going slow. So slow that an elderly man on foot passes us by with ease. I like to think that the insecurity in what we're doing is what's making it fun but when I try to maintain posture and look at her at the same time, it goes a little awry.

'Watch out!' she yells but I'm already tumbling down and taking her with me. I fall to my side into the fresh cut grass. Landing on my back with her draped over me. Her hair like a blanket around our faces. Her lips inches away and those brown eyes in direct contact with mine. So close that I can take in her every scent. These flowery tones with hints of vanilla and something entirely different and unique. Something that only Calli has.

'Are you okay?' I whisper directly into her mouth. She nods slightly but doesn't move.

'Are you?' she plays back to me.

There is a moment where neither one of us knows what to do. Her body pressed against mine. Her breathing becoming my own. I can't look away. I am in a staring competition and I'm in it to win. The breeze blowing loose curls back and forth over my forehead and cheeks. The corners of her mouth tugged up slightly but visible.

'We should probably...' the words are left lingering in the small space between us.

'We should.' Her voice an echo of mine but then she starts to wiggle away. Rolling off and landing in the grass beside me. Her head directly next to mine. My arm under her neck.

I hear people pass us but we don't care. The grass is tickling my bare legs. The sun is at a good angle so it doesn't blind me and I can look up at the sky. Small puffy clouds gliding by slowly. I can hear her soft breaths. She's still so close but there's a moment in which I could swear that I miss her.

'So Max,' she begins. 'Is that short for Maximus?'

'Maximus?' I snort. 'Do I look like a Maximus to you?' I turn my head to face her and see that she's done the same. A gentle smile on her face. Her eyes twinkling deviously at me. I wonder what would happen if I'd lean in for a kiss.

'No... you're not a Maximus. You're a Maxi though.' She giggles as I roll my eyes in response.

'Fine, but only for you.'

'I wouldn't mind.' Her smile fades but the twinkle remains. She bites the bottom of her lip and I take it as my cue. I move closer, bringing my hand to her cheek. Her skin warm under my fingertips. She tugs at my shirt, leaning in. Her eyes falling shut seconds before mine and finally my lips reach hers. Soft like everything else about her. It's the smallest most exhilarating kiss I've ever had.

Her eyes open. A blush on her cheeks and I smile. She returns my smile with one of her own and I feel it coursing through me like a drug I wouldn't mind getting high on.

'Calliope,' she whispers a little out of breath. 'Calli is short for Calliope. I always hated it but if I can call you Maxi... you could...'

'Calliope.' I wipe a curl out of the way and plant an even smaller kiss on her lips.

'Well if you say it like that...' She says under the weight of my lips. Kissing the words to me and just like that I feel the dynamic change between us.


Remember when I said it wouldn't take long forthis chapter to appear? I just want to put that out there even though I knowthat maybe 1 person has read this in the actual time I wrote it :P O well...Enjoy!

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